Kaninchen mit Urlaub?
Hey, diese Sommerferien fahre ich nach Amrum.. (auf Amrum?, keine Ahnung wie man das nennt..) mein Kaninchen kann ich keines Falls zuhause lassen, da ich keinen Kaninchensitter hohlen kann & ich meinen Nachbarn das auch nicht zumuten möchte.. (mein Kaninchen hat halt eine Entzündung & ich möchte mich lieber darum kümmern..)
Auf jeden Fall weiß ich ganz genau, dass es Tierquälerei ist, wenn mein Kaninchen für 2 Stunden in einem mini Transport ist..
Ich fahre mit dem Auto & im Auto habe ich einen 2m langen und 1 Meter breiten Transport Stall, mit Heu & essen& trinken.. allerdings muss ich mein Kaninchen dann in eine kleinere Transportbox stecken, weil ich mein Gepäck nehmen muss & mein Auto auf der Fähre lassen muss..
- meint ihr es ist schlimm das Kaninchen 1 Stunde in einer kleinen Box zu haben? Mit Futter& essen,.?
- kann ich dafür Ärger bekommen mein Kaninchen im Raum der Fähre zu haben? Ich meine es ist ja in einem Käfig..
If your rabbit is already in health, why do you want to hurt him?
Don’t underestimate the summer heat. Rabbits can easily regulate their temperature and often suffer a heat beat.
Both the car ride and the small box is bad for the rabbit (please ask me why it is alone anyway?).
If you don’t want a holiday care for your pet, you can’t go on holiday. So much understanding should be brought to his animals.
Amrum doesn’t get so hot, and I’m going to be a friend who’s a veterinarian.
Even Amrum has over 20°C and you’ve been on your way for a while. You underestimate the German summer heat enormously.
It is not in vain that you should go to the veterinarian only very early or very late with the rabbits.
Well, if it’s sick, it’s not good if there’s additional stress. better would be in healthy condition if you let it at home u every day who comes and takes care of it.
Ask at the animal germ in the surroundings whether they also include rabbits for holiday care. If for dog u Katz there are also such offers- last u food you have to provide. If there’s no such thing, that’s more problematic – especially since it’s still sick… still ask in the family whether someone could take care of it.
Hello 🤗🙋🏽
Please don’t. It’s already sick and then so much stress. Don’t do that.
Someone has to stay at home and take care of it.
Does your rabbit have a con?
Dear Greetings I hope I could help you
Your rabbit is already stressed and then a holiday? I wouldn’t do that. This can go right back. See if there is a rabbit board on your way or in your environment. But make sure that the whole thing is designed to be art-friendly.
And what about the partner animal?
*Sorry, a supplement. What I meant is that you could ask if there’s someone who supplies your animals to you at home. Rabbits are very area-related, which means a change of location, a lot of stress. And it’s more counterproductive, especially in a healthy rabbit.
I know that’s my problem too.
I have no relationship that can take care of the rabbit (yes, it has fellows but currently living with my sister. The problem is: yes I could give it to my sister.. but 1. I wanted on Amrum yes to the veterinarian & 2. my sister cannot deal with it 3. the inflammation is not so bad 4. my rabbit gets used to the new environment 5. I just read that they have a furnished stable on the ferry for extra rodents.. That’s great.. I just want the best for him)
If it’s not too hot in your car, it should go. Maybe you should avoid highways, because it might be too stressful. The box is large enough that the rabbit can lie down. Sure it would also be good if you found a cool corner in your car where you can put the box.
Motorways I always avoid 😂
It can also be that the overload on the ferry can be stressful for the rabbit
There are thousands of rabbits!
If you want to go back, you have 20 young rabbits