Rabbit chews on objects?


We've had two lionhead rabbits for six months now. They're both 8 months old (sisters) and have settled in well. They have a large hutch with a sleeping house and a few "toys," such as a small wooden house where they can hide, or a small tunnel. We let them outside often, which they really enjoy. They both seem to be happy. However, they sometimes chew on random objects, such as their food bowl or the small wooden house, and when we let them outside, they sometimes chew on our clothes…

Do you know why they do this? Is it normal or not?
Thanks in advance🙂


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1 year ago

You seem to be not offering them enough where they can go.

There are e.g. branches where rabbits can crack.

You need long-necked hay, or look at yourself in a fress cup for suitable nibbles.

They’re throwing their teeth off.

1 year ago


Rabbits are busy in nature all day with eating.

How can it be that you got two months old rabbits? Much too early separated from the mother and very unfavorable combination.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kiwi46

Sticks are ok, but much better would be infinite access to grass and meadow.

By the way, I’ll turn around once a week so that the rabbits can always rediscover.

You can also build them carton houses. Let your creativity go.

1 year ago

You can try to offer them more things to pick up like branches, for example, but can also be that they still do it. My rabbits also have more than enough stuff to pick up but make it still, before all the food bowls try to pick them up (is rather pushing) usually when they are half empty XD your little one is probably just boring there are balls of branches etc. I like to play with it. And because of the eating out of the house that’s normal hadn’t started nagging about it until now.

1 year ago

Rabbits are rodents whose teeth constantly grow, so they always need something to nail in their cradle.

A thick branch of a cherry tree is particularly well suited for this, the wood is not too hard and they can really tap on it and throw away their nail teeth.

If you don’t give them this possibility, they can’t eat again soon and the teeth must be shortened by the veterinarian.

1 year ago
Reply to  Andreas490

Rabbits are not rodents, nor can their teeth fall on sticks.