Kaninchen gestorben?!?


mein Kaninchen welches 4 jahre alt war ist gestern verstorben. Ich war mit ihm gestern noch beim Tierarzt und er hat alles versucht. Am ende hies es, es steht 50/50 um ihn.

Der Tierarzt meinte das es an dem Wetterumschwung gelegen habe denn einen Temperaturunterschied von einem auf den anderen tag von mehr als 25 grad (von minus 15 auf plus 10 grad )hat er nicht geschafft.

Am Abend ist er dan als ich ihm seine Medikamente gegeben hab in meinen Händen verstorben.

Der Anblick war so schrecklich für mich, weil ich ihm nicht mehr helfen konnte…

Hatte jemand tipps wie ich am besten mit der situation fertig werde?:)

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2 years ago

Good evening,

Whether hare, dog or cat it’s pets that are psychic with family members for us. That hurts is clearly your best. Let yourself be in the best case time and turn off or go silage hobbies a little, and who knows. Maybe you’ll be ready to take up a new family member and take care of her.

Lg Joshua

2 years ago


my sincere condolences:(


The best way to get rid of the grief is simply to allow the grief and do not want to suppress it. Suppression doesn’t keep anyone.

Also turn to people you trust (the mother, your father, your best friend, Grandma/Opa,…) when you talk about it, you are much better:)

2 years ago

First time, my condolences

the partner of the deceased rabbit needs quickest possible, faster than two weeks, as a partner.
for mourning I recommend the podcast “Trauer um Rabbit” by Rabbit meadow, which really helps:-)

2 years ago

Let it out.

2 years ago

I’m sorry, and I know how sad you are now. I have also died animals in my arms and you are not guilty. Much more you were with your rabbit, held it and made it easier for him to walk over the rainbow bridge.

We ourselves have animals and go one over the rainbow bridge, always take a piece of our heart. Our other animals are missing and looking for their friend.

Whether our solution is for you, you need to know. But then we have a new animal relatively quickly to fill the empty space. Only a new one helps against the loss of an animal.

2 years ago


A loss is always something bad. Whether you lose a loved one or a pet, you always feel the terrible feeling of sadness. Surely you have many beautiful memories with your rabbit, you’ll remember the day you got it.

I’d advise you to just let it out. Do not hesitate to talk to a trustee. It’s not bad when you cry.

In July, for example, I lost my grandma. With the loss I’ve been so moved that whenever I thought of her, I’ve thought of beautiful and funny moments and not of my mourning. For example, you could watch pictures and, if necessary, videos from your rabbit. Maybe you can smile if you think of the beautiful moments.

I wish you all the best!

2 years ago
Reply to  balu2022

Okay, but unfortunately it can’t be changed anymore. Your rabbit has suffered very much and has been redeemed

2 years ago


First of all, my sincere condolences. My rabbit was with the veterinarian before and with him everything was good. He couldn’t walk at home. My mum went back to the vet and came back without. He had to be slain. Leo died on 27.5 and on 1.6 he would have become 3 😔

What I want to say is:

I know exactly how you are. If you have the chance to bury your rabbit. The grave is then a fixed place where you can mourn. Hang pictures and light candles. It might sound weird now, but it helped me talk to my rabbit.

And the most important :

Don’t stress yourself. No one has the right to prescribe how and how long you mourn.

Happy you. You can do it. 🥺

2 years ago
Reply to  balu2022

Oh, yeah. My mum is still making great accusations. We have a new rabbit now. He celebrated his first Christmas with us today. Don’t blame yourself. You’re not to blame. Keep your rabbit in memory, because he will always be with you. Very deep in the heart