Kaninchen blutet nach Kastration?
Hallo, an alle.
Ich habe heute meinen rammler kastrieren lassen der 8 Monate ist.
alles lief prima, doch nach dem er Zuhause angekommen ist (1 Stunde später) hat es plötzlich angefangen zu bluten (nicht so stark aber schon viel).
Jetzt mache ich mir aber sorgen, ich habe mir auch die Wunde angeschaut sie ist auch nicht aufgerissen oder sonstiges es blutet halt nur einbisschen stark.
Meine Frage ist aber ob es normal ist, nach der Kastration.
Wenn nicht, dann gehe ich morgen nochmal zum Tierarzt.
Ich habe auch versucht, ihm die Medikamente zu geben die mir die Tierärzte gegeben haben. Er will sie aber nicht.
Wäre über paar hilfreiche Antworten sehr dankbar. 😉
Super 🤩 happy
With our rabbits it was never like that, I didn’t know it could bleed…. My Rammler was very tired and sluggish this day but no blood is not a good sign!
Go to the vet or if he’s still open, call and ask. If he says you have to come, take your time today, or make an appointment with him tomorrow, and observe the events at your rammler
Good luck 🍀
Hope could help 🐰
It turned out that my rammler had torn up the clamp and bleededed it.
The bleeding has stopped for two hours.
Of course, called the veterinarian and asked if it was bad.
she meant that I should come to control in two days. He also got the drugs.
he eats slowly again.
Nevertheless, thank you.
Hello, when I got my Rammler neuter, it didn’t bleed at all. I’ve never heard of it bleeding.
I’d go to the vet again in your place tomorrow.
If the drugs are in small syringes, you can give them to him with the help of another person. One person takes him and fits on that he can’t run away and the other holds the little syringe next to the girl.
LG and I hope I could help
If there’s a lot of blood, I wouldn’t wait till tomorrow.
The drugs are important. Rabbits do not eat under pain, but we do not want the cycle to collapse.
Another person will be happy to help you.
If no one is here, I sat on my knees, put the rabbit between my legs and bend forward. So the rabbit can’t move backwards and you can put the syringe in the mouth.