Kaninchen baut Nest wegen neuen Kaninchen – Zufall?

Hallo, vor kurzem ist unser Kaninchen entlaufen so dass die 2. alleine war. (Es sind deutsche Riesen) Jetzt haben wir uns 2 kleine ca. 3 Monate alt geholt, und es sind vermutlich Weibchen (ich weiß, dass man bei so kleinen das Geschlecht noch nicht GENAU bestimmen kann). Meine Frage wäre ob die große Häsin das Nest aus Zufall, wegen den Kleinen, um sie warm zu halten, oder vielleicht weil sie sogar trächtig ist, baut (was ich eigentlich nicht vermute). Ich meine, vielleicht ist tatsächlich einer der Kleinen ein Rammler und ist schon früher geschlechtsreif.

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3 years ago

Hello 🤗🙋🏽

With three months, a rambling can be quite sexually mature. These are about 12 weeks that is the time when they become sexually mature. In some rabbits this happens a bit earlier and in some a little later.

With three months it is possible to determine the sex of the animal. You should go to a rabbit specialist veterinarian, and if a male is there to make a castration appointment. The vet can tell you if a rabbit is pregnant.

After castration, the male must be separated from the other group. It doesn’t have to be long for an early stage (up to 16 weeks). Two weeks are enough. This time, however, it takes the wound to heal that, after a castration, the male smells completely different and becomes muttered. It’s not good for the wound. After the two weeks, the rabbits must be re-organized. First on a neutral basis (so in a room they don’t know) and after one to two weeks back in the precinct. It will come to disputes, but this is quite normal.

Dear Greetings I hope I could help you

3 years ago

So I decide with my rabbit with approx. 6 weeks the sex and 8 weeks later this is controlled. From the 12th week, the Rammlers can already be viable. Who said you can’t determine the sex with 8-12 weeks? I would no longer go to this veterinarian/promoter!

3 years ago

With three months it is no problem to determine the sex. However, it is a problem to convey here by remote control.

3 years ago

If it’s a turnout, it can also be that it’s pregnant. Then they also build nest and are very nervous.

Of course, proper pregnancy could also be present

3 years ago

Is the escape again with you?
