Kaninchen atmet schnell im liegen?
Hey, mein 2 Jahre altes, relativ großes Kaninchen atmet im liegen immer schneller als sonst.
Sie frisst aber, tobt herum, putzt sich und alles.
Weiß jemand, was das sein könnte? Muss ich mir sorgen machen?
Würd mich über Hilfe sehr freuen
It’s my dwarf, the thick noodle, right now! The animals are just too warm right now! Make sure your rabbits find shady places where the air doesn’t stagger! For example, I put some old tiles in a dark corner of the run-out, where the rabbits like to lay on them with the belly in full length. It cools the body down.
Of course, sufficient liquid should also be provided. Change the water more often as it is so warm!
Thank you.)
Sure. And continue a lot of fun with the snippets 👍
Hello 🤗🙋🏽
It’s about the heat right now. I’d take care of some cooling. You can freeze a plastic bottle, with water, and then wrap a towel. So you put her in the cradle. Steinplatte also cool rabbits in summer.
However, if it doesn’t go away, it’s better if you go to the vet with the animal.
Does your rabbit have a con?
Greetings,I hope I could help you
Yeah, they’re two. Just forgot to mention it. Thanks for the answer:)
Is it warm with you in the cradle? Maybe the heat does it. Do you have buddy corners to cool?