Kaninchen als Mädchen gekauft und eins ist doch ein rammler?

Hallo, ich habe vor ca. 1 Monat 2 Kaninchen als Weibchen gekauft. Heute haben wir zufällig gesehen dass mein weißes Kaninchen die braune geb***t hat. Wir haben vorsichtig nachgeschaut und es hat Hoden und einen Penis.
Was genau können wir jetzt machen? Meine Mutter will die Hasen nicht, da es 2 verschiedene Geschlechter haben und sich schwängern können, dafür fehlt uns der Platz. Wir haben überlegt die Hasen zurückzugeben da die Züchterin und angelogen hat aber die Hasen sind mittlerweile geimpft, somit würde ich sie nicht kostenlos zurückgeben, da sie auch anfangs von mir Geld für sie bekommen hat. Kann ich mein Geld zurück verlangen? Wer kann mir in diesem Fall helfen ?

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3 years ago

Females also ramble each other.

Yes, if the seller had assured that there were 2 females, he would have to give you the money back and also pay the vaccination….


Well, try.

3 years ago
Reply to  dsaurier83

sue him and he should have secured the sex.

3 years ago

Witnesses, contract.

3 years ago

I don’t understand the problem.

Berammeln is not only a sexual act, but also clarifies the ranking.

And if you really had a male and a female – that’s what it is! Then the male is neutered. In this time the female can still be pregnant.

You don’t keep females together – and at 6.5qm anyway. Once there has a bad day of hormone fluctuations, hell is going on.

You don’t listen to it anyway.

How about you ask the breeder yourself before you stage a “what-wheat-if” here. In the end, it is not legally worth asking for a price. Finally, the processing costs are enormously high – the rabbits cost nothing compared.

By the way: a breeder should know with the sexes, but putting them here as a liar is already a bit hard. After all, males can take their testicles and you can also be mistaken.

3 years ago

So please, you can’t just give it back, think about the living thing, that’s been getting used up and also about the female.

You would almost destroy his life.

And because of the ramming, maybe it’s a female? They do.

And even if it were a male, then the female would be pregnant,

in rabbits, the smallest contact is enough to swing.

And otherwise, load the rabbit’s holding, but there’s no return, just hollow your money back.

Oh, well, you don’t take two females alone, because they tear each other dead, that you should be aware.

How do you think the animals? They must have 2 square meters per animal and cage maintenance is not allowed in the long term.

Otherwise it is animal torture

So honestly, it doesn’t sound like you’re dealing with the animals and they’re okay.

3 years ago
Reply to  dsaurier83

Yes, they don’t return animals. Don’t you love him because he’s male?
Just cast it.

3 years ago

Why give it back? Maybe the rabbits are so young that you could not recognize the sex 100%.

Kastriert den rammler und gut ist, Weibchen und kastriert rammler is the best combination.

3 years ago
Reply to  dsaurier83

But one does not return animals and one does not take 2 females alone, because they tear each other dead, that you should be aware

3 years ago
Reply to  dsaurier83

Then you won’t be surprised when the two females fly the pussies…

3 years ago

Yes 3 not 2 and it’s like most, there’s no talking back that you don’t do

3 years ago

Ever heard of castration????