Hallo 🙋♀️
Ich hatte schon sehr viele Vergesellschaftungen , aber noch nie eine mit 3 Kaninchen und dann auch noch Häsinnen 🐰🐰🐰
Ich weiß das ist nicht so eine gute Kombination aber ich will es ausprobieren……..
Meine Frage ist ob sich die Kaninchen Tot beißen können ?
Vielen Dank : )
Hello 🤗🙋🏽
Do I really understand that these are three heisins?
Oh, that’ll be hard. Zippers are famous for being very zigzag. A good combination is by no means because a threesome mine never works well anyway. Rabbits form naturally from couples there is an outcast. You should have at least a lot of space with three females I would put 12 to 18 m2.
Whether they bite dead is hard to say. It’s the carackter. I had a threesome mine of three females. That this works is extremely rare. Today I wouldn’t do that anymore because all three were very quiet and dear animals.
I wouldn’t risk it could go so much wrong. But you could have the three additional companies with three castrated males.
Remember to put them into the precinct after 1 to 2 weeks.
Dear Greetings I hope I could help you
Yes, there is enough space there is exactly 300 m2……….the area does not yet know anyone.
Thank you for the answer
Yes they are
The socialization has worked 😊🐰🐰🐰
There were no wounds, and they didn’t even get involved….they’re just swooping behind.
Thank you for your answer this has helped with very much
LG 🐰🐰🐰
I’m always happy to help.
Yes some socializations are very quiet. Some of them are very rough. I think it comes to the character of the rabbits.
Can work, but don’t have to. And yes, they can bite themselves dead if they are not equal in size
The socialization has worked 😊🐰🐰🐰
There were no wounds, and they didn’t even get involved….they’re just swooping behind.
Thank you for your answer this has helped with very much
LG 🐰🐰🐰