Kanarien weibchen sitzt nicht aufs ei?
Hallo zsm,
Mein kanarienweibchen hat ein ei gelegt, aber sie setzt sich garnicht. Sie sieht das ei, guckt es immer an. Das Männchen lebt mit ihr auch zsm im Käfig. Woran kann es liegen ? Ich habe Angst das, dass ei kaputt ist. Außerdem wurde das Nest nicht richtig gebaut von ihr.
In canary birds it is common that the female is brooded alone and not detached from the male. It leaves the nest several times a day to drop off and drink. The male supplies the female with food from his crop. The females usually sit very tightly and enduringly on the eggs and, when handled calmly, can only be disturbed little in the breeding business.The breeding period lasts 13-14 daysdepending on the breeding experience of the hen. In the case of an inexperienced hen, it may take longer than in the case of an experienced man, because it does not yet sit tightly on the eggs.
With well harmonizing pairs, all eggs of the canaries are usually fertilized. After about 6 days, in fertilized eggs, the embryo can be seen as a dark spot if you hold the egg against the light of an LED flashlight. Unfertilized eggs are clear and transparent. However, the breeding birds should not be disturbed and not too often the eggs should be taken out of the nest.
You see what emancipation can do. 😁😁😁
My question was answered night:D
I can’t do any Canarian psychotherapy!
Fact is… what in nature is unable to reproduce, dies out.