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Yes. The dose makes the poison, and in the case of salt, this applies even in double terms – on the one hand, one can naturally poison oneself with a once too large amount of salt – but that is actually difficult because one is very fast the refractive stimulus makes a line through the bill to get rid of the excessive salt.
If, however, too much salt is absorbed on a regular basis – no lethal dose, only unhealthy, which is common in Western Europe – then, for example, heart disease is favoured in the long term. If you don’t change it directly, but still reduces the life span to be expected.
Yeah, you can. If, for example, people were on the sea for a long time, no drinking water had left and have been drinking salt water from despair, some have died as the body dehydrates, so almost dry.
From how much
Why do you want to know that exactly?
You don’t usually get a lot of this on your own.
To avoid it
Everything is fatal in too high quantities.
With a halfway normal diet, the amount of salt should not be particularly high. As a rule, this is a matter of courage to really take too much salt.
Too much salt is life-threatening: it must be observed when eating!
Oh kacke 😫 am also a salt junkie 😭😭😭
Yeah, look for salt poisoning.
It would be too easy to put it down.
Sure. If a ton of salt falls on you, you’re dead.