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Sure. It is even more the rule than the exception. It’s called polytoxikomanie (or multiple substance use).
An example with legally available substances: According to numerous metastudies smoke approx. 70-80% of all alcoholics.
An example of illegal substances: According to various metastudies, about 60% of all Opioid derivatives (e.g. heroin) are also dependent on another substance. Above all, benzodiazepines and cocaine, but also alcohol.
even think that is much more often the case than otherwise
someone is at risk of searching or not. And then keep on various things that usually stimulate dopaminekick
Bsp: Drug and happiness addiction. It is not so rare
Yes of course
Yes, of course. barely know addicts of hard drugs such as heroin or alcohol that do not smoke (cigarettes)
Sure, it’s possible.
Think already, yes
Of course.
Yes, because addictions are boundless and boundless. :
I am addicted to good mood!!😂
And Makka😢
Thank you