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Honda CB125F auch für kleine Menschen?
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of course, is the same principle as the car. It’s only that you do it with your hands and turn it on your feet.
It is more difficult to remove for beginners:inside, because you usually have a much better feeling in your hands than in your feet.
And how it goes…. There are former motorbike pupils who can report to you for pleasure….
Yeah, well, that’s very fast.
Yeah, you can.
Yeah, you can. I have already tested several times successfully for you!
Sure. Let the brake come to and clutch.
But you don’t.
no you can’t smell a mottorad he’s not a living thing that breathes
Are you kidding me?
In the case of a living being, it is not spoken of “worn” but rather of “worn or strangled”. In so far the whole joke doesn’t fit…… But the will was at least there….
So I would be in the sadistic sense and in the technical sense.