Kampfpilot nachher Copilot oder direkt Kapitän?

Hallo miteinander, ich Frage mich ob Kampfpiloten (völlig irrelevant in welchem Land sie als Kampfpiloten waren), falls sie eines Tages austreten um Piloten für eine Passagiermaschine zu werden, ob sie die 6000-8000 Flugstunden absolvieren müssen um Kapitän des Flugzeugs zu werden oder ob es auch ohne die Flugstunden geht Kapitän einer Passagiermaschine zu sein?

danke im Voraus.

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2 years ago

It is problematic in this case that a flight licence may be present here, but a professional pilot licence is missing! As a hunting pilot, one is trained to deal with the various weapons systems and to communicate militaryly (see Brevity Code). There is also a need for retraining. As a fighter pilot, you won’t be able to fly an airliner. The flight hours would be quite attractive for the airline that is being advertised, but there are vital points that I mentioned above. Civil aviation is broadcast differently than in military. It would be possible (where I am not sure) to enter more directly when you fly government flights, as these are often carried out by civil machines (see flight readiness BmVg of the Bundeswehr)

2 years ago

Certainly he won’t be like capitas, because a duesen hunter is something different than an Airbus. LG gadus

2 years ago

He’ll have to take flight hours on the other plane in the simulator.

I also have a pilot certificate, of course, can only fly with the class I’ve learned.