Kampffische mit anderen Bewohnern?

Hi Leute 👋. Ich habe da eine sehr wichtige frage an euch! Und zwar möchte ich gerne unsere 2 Kampffische:(keilfleckbärbling) und (Paradiesfisch) in unseren grösseren Aquarium(110L) reintun. Bei meinem anderem Aquarium Leben Mollys(12), Platis(9), Antennenwellse(2) (+ Nachwuchs), Panzerwelse(1) und Guppys(2). Wir bekommen demnächst ein anderes Haustier, und können uns nicht gleichzeitig um 2 Aquarien kümmern! Bin gespannt auf eure Antworten!

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3 years ago

It sounds like a fish soup! For

  • Wedged beards are not martial fish, but (as the name says) beards
  • they will be too low 8 animals
  • Paradise fish are also not one of the fighting fish, but one of the labyrinth fish – are held as a couple/a group with a male
  • Welsh should be cultivated at least in a 5s group, because they are sympathetic group fish
  • two Guppys are too few, five should be at least!

110 l are much too small for this amount of fish)!

Optimize your postures, otherwise the fish will get sick and die!!

3 years ago

You need to keep fighting fish individually. Unfortunately, they don’t handle other fish. However, a wedge-stained beard is not a fighting fish.

3 years ago
Reply to  Aquarianer493

What do you think? I see a Betta splendens (Crowntail) in the small basin. What about paradise fish (Macropodus opercularis) and wedge-stained beard (Trigonostigma heteromorpha )?

These are fish species that are not martial fish, martial fish are neither cunning nor paradise fish.

I don’t understand why people already respond, but nobody can know what you mean at all!

What are you talking about?

3 years ago
Reply to  Aquarianer493

In my Google research, you were able to combine wedge-spot beards as well as paradise fish with other fish. However, paradise fish are very rough, which can damage the Guppys.

3 years ago

I see a Betta splendens (Crowntail) in the small basin

I don’t understand why people already respond, but nobody can know what you mean at all!

I haven’t discovered it, or I don’t know a paradise fish!

3 years ago


And I would like to introduce our 2 martial fishes: (no spot beards) and (paradise fish) into our larger aquarium(110L).

These are no fighting fish and are actually carried out with the rest of the crew, it could become a little narrow at most from the place!

3 years ago
Reply to  Norina1603

But there is a Crowntail Betta splendens to see – what is this all about?

3 years ago


our 2 martial fish:
