Kampffische mit anderen Bewohnern?
Hi Leute 👋. Ich habe da eine sehr wichtige frage an euch! Und zwar möchte ich gerne unsere 2 Kampffische:(keilfleckbärbling) und (Paradiesfisch) in unseren grösseren Aquarium(110L) reintun. Bei meinem anderem Aquarium Leben Mollys(12), Platis(9), Antennenwellse(2) (+ Nachwuchs), Panzerwelse(1) und Guppys(2). Wir bekommen demnächst ein anderes Haustier, und können uns nicht gleichzeitig um 2 Aquarien kümmern! Bin gespannt auf eure Antworten!
It sounds like a fish soup! For
110 l are much too small for this amount of fish)!
Optimize your postures, otherwise the fish will get sick and die!!
You need to keep fighting fish individually. Unfortunately, they don’t handle other fish. However, a wedge-stained beard is not a fighting fish.
That’s what I mean, I could theoretically clean up the spider and not the other one?
What do you think? I see a Betta splendens (Crowntail) in the small basin. What about paradise fish (Macropodus opercularis) and wedge-stained beard (Trigonostigma heteromorpha )?
These are fish species that are not martial fish, martial fish are neither cunning nor paradise fish.
I don’t understand why people already respond, but nobody can know what you mean at all!
What are you talking about?
In my Google research, you were able to combine wedge-spot beards as well as paradise fish with other fish. However, paradise fish are very rough, which can damage the Guppys.
I haven’t discovered it, or I don’t know a paradise fish!
These are no fighting fish and are actually carried out with the rest of the crew, it could become a little narrow at most from the place!
Yes, we had a lot of young children in the aquarium lately!
But there is a Crowntail Betta splendens to see – what is this all about?