Kampffische + Garnelen + Welse?

Ich und meine Familie wollen uns demnächst ein Aquarium zulegen, und haben auch schon 3 meeresbewohner im Kopf die wir darin halten wollen. Diese sind: 10 Garnelen (Zwerggarnelen), 1 Kampffisch (Betta) & 1 Wels

Kann man die zusammen halten?

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2 years ago

None of these animals live in the sea.

Dwarf shrimps are almost always good. If you use a cloak-proof filter and if nobody likes to eat shrimp in the aquarium.

Fighting fish are, like practically all mazefish, shrimp eaters. It can go well for months, then it suddenly comes to taste. And then there were shrimps.

There is a barely manageable variety of catfishes. The smallest species are barely 3cm long, the largest create 3 meters. Some of them are very social group animals, some of which are strictly individual. Virtually none of them are compatible with a combat fish.

The differences between different species of fish, even if one only addresses the radiant flora, are at least as large as the differences between the different mammal species. They have very different behaviors and colonise very different habitats. Also at first glance similar looking species can differ significantly in their claims. Very often, you can’t put it in a hat. That’s why you can’t get together. Very often, a species pool in which only one species of fish lives in an ideal setting, not only for the fish better, but also for the owner. Only if the fish are really good, they show their whole, arttypical, interesting behavior. Many species even sometimes carry out a few young animals in the art pool, so society pools never do. Society pools should usually contain only a few, well-compatible species. Too colorful mixing is never good.

2 years ago

There are no marine animals…

You’ve never been informed. The three species do not fit together.

  • Fighting fish eats shrimps —> does not fit
  • Fighting fish MUSS in strict individual holding + needs small basin—> does not fit with the catfish

If you don’t know, let it be. If you want to inform you, NOT on the Internet but in a book. Yeah, there’s something else…

2 years ago


Although it is possible to hold these together, I would strongly advise against it – less because of incompatibility (Bettas sometimes eat dwarf cigarettes) but more because the three imho belong in different environments.

The ordinary ancistrus- this is the usual “skin groove shear” which actually cleanses the slices- is not even so small and reaches 10-15 cm. It is extremely peaceful to alien fish and rather likes a medium-sized well-filtered society aquarium from 100 liters. You can hold a single one in it together with matching other fish.

splenden mart fish (at least for beginners) are best in filterless small aquariums (12-25 l) with mainly planting from above in individual keeping, as their behavior can be very aggressive. A well-filtered > 100 litre with only one martial fish and an ancistrus is underused and the filtering that the ancistrus like is pointless for the martial fish if it gets old even harmful and makes it more difficult to hunt for live food, which should be given at least in the summer half year. Fighting fish love live food more than most other fish.

Neocaridina dwarves also do not need a large aquarium. A technologyless or only aerated/litered 12 l aquarium– even 8 l goes- is top here, best without fish.

So I would choose one of the three. Since martial fish and shrimps do not require much effort in money and space – a second project sobakd No. 1 will also run immediately.

All three combine is imho rather inappropriate and less fun. Bettas are now not social pool fish and Neocaridina are particularly interesting and easy to care without fish where they feel safer and only occasionally need a torch leaf.

2 years ago

Welse are kept from 54 liters. It’s too big for a Kafi. It’s like 25-40 liters.

And the Kafi will kill and eat the shrimp with a high probability.

You hold a Kafi alone.