Kamera oder Smartphone?

Lohnt es sich 2024 noch eine Kamera zu kaufen, wenn man eh ein Smartphone hat mit eingebauter und guter Kamera?

Als jemand der zwar schon gerne Bilder macht z.B. auf Reisen und im Urlaub aber eben nicht all zu oft sondern nur so 1-2 Mal im Jahr das jedoch über mehre Tage oder Wochen.

Was gibt es denn für gute und günstigere Einsteigermodelle an Kameras, wenn man “Hobbyfotograf” werden will?

Braucht man eine Spiegelreflex oder Spiegellose Kamera, was ist besser für den Anfang?

Was braucht man außer der Kamera noch an Zubehör und was muss man sonst so beachten?

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9 months ago

For insane snapshot photos from the holiday of which most often end up only as a memory in the mobile phone store or on Instagram, the smartphone is thick. Today’s premium smartphones can easily keep up with consumer cameras that were in the 2010s.

For 1-2x a year, it is not really worth getting an extra system camera. You should only do that if you want to deal with photography more extensively. Otherwise also does a premium compact camera like the Sony RX100III, Canon G7X Mark II or Lumix LX-15.

9 months ago

I don’t think it’s worth it if you’re just using it 1-2 times a year. And landscape photos are also good with a normal phone. As long as you don’t want to photograph certain objects that are far away, or don’t often go out with camera, it doesn’t pay for mM.

9 months ago

The quality of the cameras in smart phones is so good that virtually no more camera is profitable for the normal consumer (snaps & vacation photos).

If you really want “FOTOGRAPHS”, you need a system camera.

At least MFT format (good for entry) and a few good lenses (in particular teleobjectives, because in disem area all smartphone cameras are weak).

But with housing, a standard zoom and a telezoom, you will quickly land in the Bereicgh of more than 2000 €.

You will find good devices and lenses for a total entry price of about 500 – 1000 €.

If that’s too expensive, you better stay with your smartphone.

9 months ago

When you set demands, you get a little busy with photography is always worth a system camera. Who means a phone has a good camera but has not done this yet. You don’t have to. For something crawling on holiday… so no better photos, but rather proof pictures (“here I was, look how beautiful it is here) is enough a phone.

9 months ago

Must you know I’ve still seen kèin cell phone where the toy camera has just gotten close for more As a troubleless Whatsapp pictures


to do so, however, the photographing with a proper camera must be learned that is not like the mobile phone where the software helps where it is only possible