Kamera für Hobbyfotografie?

Hi. Ich wollte mich mal in der Fotografie ein wenig einarbeiten und würde gerne mal wissen welche Kamera sich dafür eignet als Einsteiger? Ich interessiere mich für Bilder aus der Natur als auch Objekte. Ebenso für Menschen. Gerne würde ich auch qualitativ hochwertige Profilbilder für social Media Plattformen machen.

Welche Kamera, am besten mit zoom, ist da für den Anfang zu empfehlen?

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1 year ago

In the price range and if you want high-quality pictures, I would recommend looking for older DSLR cameras. Camera technology hasn’t changed much insanely, better autofocus systems have been involved and a little more resolution and dynamics, but in principle the old cameras do not make worse pictures.

Canon EOS 750D/70D, Nikon D5300/D5500 gets used around 300-400€ and less, with dealers like MPB still with 1 year warranty on it. These cameras were the top class to Semi-Pro (70D/D5500) and still deliver outstanding results.

Search: canon 70d | Flickr

1 year ago

I gave the answer last two days ago, so is copy&paste.

You might want to go differently to the topic “I’m buying a camera” so you won’t be disappointed, despite a high amount of money.

Will be a longer answer.

All cameras from the last seven to ten years are enough for the beginning, even a four-digit Canon and it must be NO new camera for the beginning. Nothing, really nothing speaks against a good used one from a dealer.

In principle, there are two types of system cameras which enable the use of alternating lenses, which are provided with folding mirrors (DSLR, i.e. mirror reflection cameras) or DSLM, mirrorless (i.e. mirrorless system cameras).

The mirror is no longer state of the art but has a huge advantage, you immediately see 1:1 without intermediate electronics and without any conversion the motif.

The drawbacks of the mirror are the significantly larger design and the higher weight, because nix is small, handy, inconspicuous and “plug into the jacket pocket”.

The disadvantages of a DSLR are at the same time the advantages of a DSLM. But, as the image IMMER needs a monitor, either the back display or the small viewfinder, the battery life is significantly lower.

A further disadvantage is the still quite limited number of available lenses, but this disadvantage is reduced from year to year. Unfortunately, the lenses for DSLM cameras are also more expensive, simply because the supply and demand is still manageable.

You should go to a photo shop and give you detailed advice, which takes a few hours and can only be made to 0.2% in the forum. Name your budget and take different models in hand, question specifically also for used cameras. It protects your wallet, takes nothing from your possibilities and in no later than a year the photo world looks different.

Two more tips, give more money for good lenses than for the camera and the camera that is best in your hand, which is sympathetic to you, you buy.

A bridge camera is also worth considering, because the lens is already permanently installed and you have all the options open for entry.

Don’t buy a camera you didn’t have in your hand! DEIN Feeling is more important than all laboratory values and hot recommendations from whoever.

If it is possible for you to clarify the following questions before purchase.

Which motifs are to be photographed (Portrait, Landscape, Architecture, Macro, Sport, Event, Street scenes or wild animals)?

What light or lighting situations do you want to photograph (beautiful weather, without lightning, dusk or night photos)?

How much money do you want or can you spend all the time, because maybe a camera and a change lens is just the entry?

May it also become bigger and heavier or are there weight limitations?

Because there is no camera that can do everything well and is well suited for everything and not so expensive should be well researched and weighed before buying.

To 1: A full-format camera is very suitable for portrait, landscape and architecture photography. They are much more expensive and the lenses are unfortunately also. For sport, event and wildlife photography, a smaller sensor is advantageous because the image angle is smaller and therefore the motis is apparently closer.

To 2: Beautiful weather can all cameras, at dusk and night shots without lightning is a big sensor and a good sensor (with low noise) in the advantage, but also here, power costs money. A low-cost entry would be possible with a Nikon D3xxx because Nikon also installed good sensors in the entry-level models.

To 3: A system camera (with interchangeable lenses) needs changeable lenses for the development of its potential and the good cost at least as much as the camera, since several thousand euros are quickly spent. For entry, a digital mirror reflection would be cheaper than the DSLM models of manufacturers. The future is clearly DSLM, but the costs are still very high (more than 1,000€ only for the camera is normal).

To 4: System camera equipment quickly weighs many kilos, just if it should be full format. The camera is the smallest part of it, but each lens comes quickly to 1000Gramm and also over it. Here a bridge camera would be an alternative because a good lens with a large zoom (large focal length range) is often installed and macro is often possible.

In general, you should not buy a camera that you didn’t have beforehand. The feeling in the hand and the “handling” is more important than X percent of any laboratory values. The camera must be good in your hand, you must be able to reach all controls well, the weight must be correct (too heavy or too light is doof and quickly spoil the fun) and the size must fit (also here is too big or too small bad).

You get used to the respective operation and menu structure within a week no matter which manufacturer, but 100Gramm wrong weight always stay bad!

My best camera can be a total disaster for you because it doesn’t fit. Take different cameras in hand and test the feeling in hand.

I hope this longer answer will help you find DEINE camera.

1 year ago

best start with a camera that can be operated both fully automatic or partially manual.

a “bridge camera” usually brings with it an enormous (optical) zoom potential, so that no further objective ones are required.

reflective cameras are an endangered gattung and are therefore cheaper. Here you often need more than a standard lens.

with enough budget the current, mirrorless system cameras are ideal choice, but they also cost high 4- or 5-digit amounts.

canon has the most extensive offer as one of the major manufacturers.

work with theory and try and practice. in contrast to the “good old” analogue ära costs a snap shot or 50 rehearsals nix today.

1 year ago

I would recommend you something like the Canon eos 1300d with Kitzoom and nem 55-250 zoom.50 iger focal length. You can play with this…

A Coolpix p1000 offers the most zoom for the money, for that something was saved on the sensor.

1 year ago
Reply to  PapaShango

With something like the 1300/2000d, the lens is more important than the 📷 body. The mirrorless alternatives are often new and more expensive. The double-digit canons are better than the four-digit.

The P1000 is a bridge with a lot of zoom.

Learn about focal length and intensity.