Kamen indo europäer ursprünglich aus zentral asien?
Viele sagen, dass indo europäer aus Afghanistan kamen. Aber auf einer Karte stand, dass sie vor 1700 Jahren in Zentralasien lebten und dann Afghanistan auswanderten und nach Europa auswanderten. Stimmt das?
The Jamnaja culture was located north of the Black Sea (somewhere there is Ukraine today) – and it reached the Caspian Sea. So Afghanistan was not yet involved in the beginning (first clearly later).
Indo-European migrations – Jamnaja culture – Wikipedia
More from Ukraine. Some are emigrated to Central Asia, which is why Iranian and Nordic languages are indo-European.
No, they came from the vicinity of the Black Sea and then wandered in all directions.
300 years after Chr?
Then the Germans can’t even count among the Indogermans…
No, of course not.
Before 1700, the Romans ruled in almost all South, West and Central Europe. And who have they defeated some centuries of FRÜHER there? Celts and the Germans. And who defeated the Roman Empire? The Goten (Germans) .
How are they supposed to have done this when they just left Afghanistan?
Bedenke: The railway lines were only under construction and the motorways were not finished.