Kalter Entzug pornos?
Moin Leute,
was denkt ihr wie lange ein kalter Entzug geht bei pornos schauen?
Ich bekomme genau nach einer Woche immer riesigen Drang ein porno zuschauen und werde rückfällig.
denkt ihr ab dem Moment wo nicht schaut und Druck drauf hat hilft es?
After 3 days at the latest one week, it’s very hard. Now you have to stop. This is the first key to success. This pressure phase lasts about 2 days. Be the best diary with all feelings, observations and thoughts. Maybe you can ask CassyLou from YT for a coaching. Helps uncommon.
I wish you could make the most difficult phases, because it will be better in small steps.
Good luck and good luck. A life without porn is worthwhile. If you’ve done it, you don’t want to go back and see how good you’re without porn.
The goal is so good that every torment is worth it.
Thanks for the motivation
jesus christus can release you