Kalorien Omelett?
Hallo Leute.
Könnt ihr mir helfen? Wieviel kalorien hat so ein Omelett aus 4 bis 5 eiern?
Wenn ich im Netz suche findet man unterschiedliche Angaben.
Nur die kalorien aus dem Eiomlett, die restlichen Zutaten muss man dann eh nur dazuadieren…
That depends on the size of the eggs, you can’t say that. Google is simply the calorie number of an egg from this size and multiply it with 4
Do I have to take the calorie of a boiled egg or a raw one?
I think cooked…
Rough! You always take the calories from the pipe weight. And then the calories from the oil/fat come to it by fried + all other ingredients
Here you can find Calories of different omelets.
If you’re afraid, eat something else. Eat an apple or something. Or a sandwich with a cup of tea, without sugar. Rice wafers, which after nothing you can eat without concerns.
An egg has quite well approximated 80 kcal.
So the eggs 320-400 kcal, then I would add ~90 kcal for fat if fried in normal much fat.
Put down the app YAZIO and weigh all ingredients and type them, then you know.