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2 years ago

That depends on the size of the eggs, you can’t say that. Google is simply the calorie number of an egg from this size and multiply it with 4

2 years ago
Reply to  Hardstyler24

Rough! You always take the calories from the pipe weight. And then the calories from the oil/fat come to it by fried + all other ingredients

2 years ago

Calories omelet?

Here you can find Calories of different omelets.


2 years ago

If you’re afraid, eat something else. Eat an apple or something. Or a sandwich with a cup of tea, without sugar. Rice wafers, which after nothing you can eat without concerns.

2 years ago

An egg has quite well approximated 80 kcal.

So the eggs 320-400 kcal, then I would add ~90 kcal for fat if fried in normal much fat.

2 years ago

Put down the app YAZIO and weigh all ingredients and type them, then you know.