Is coffee healthy or not?
Coffee yes/no?
Coffee good/coffee bad?
Why yes, why no?
How much and when?
Is coffee healthy or not?
Coffee yes/no?
Coffee good/coffee bad?
Why yes, why no?
How much and when?
Hello everyone 🙂 So, here's the thing. I bought ham yesterday, and now there are water drops on the top of the cooked ham in the packaging (which is still closed). Can this only happen if it is too warm than when it was previously stored or can it also be colder? The second question…
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Hey, I'm interested in what you like to eat 🙈
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Coffee is both good and bad.
It can accumulate dementia, but also irritate your stomach mucosa.
This is really very short. But everything has both good and bad sides.
Because of a lot of stress and a little impact I sometimes drink what. Even if my wife says it’s sugared milk with a shot of coffee.
Haha funny your last sentence, thank you
Search :
In small studies it was possible to prove that coffee has a positive effect on bone health. Larger studies showed that coffee could be good for the liver and possibly even protects from liver cancer. Coffee is also a natural product.
Well, somehow your statements don’t match your survey response
Source :,kaffee786.html#:~:text=In%2520small%2520stuaries%2520supplemented,Au%C3%9supplemented
Thank you.
Most of a cup and coffee is also good / bad again.
Best regards, Jan
I only taste coffee when it has most calories through sugar, milk etc and I don’t want to take many calories to me
Okay, I can absolutely understand bleiben/ernaehrung/action-mit-jedem-schluck-so-gesund-is-kaffee-933995.html#kaffee-medizin or-gift
3 to 4 cups per day are not unhealthy at least.
Okay, thanks for the info
10 reasons to drink more coffee!,k%C3%B6nnen%20f%C3%BCr%20oxidative%20stress%20care.
Coffee is almost calorie-free, has an invigorating effect, stimulates metabolism and digestion and also has health-promoting properties.
I like to drink a coffee, but I prefer Cold Brew, but it’s so miserable to make…
I drink regularly and have no problems therefore
Hello, Future View8.
I drink coffee regularly, and he didn’t make me sick.
In dimensions, coffee is not unhealthy.
Greetings, Renate.