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The ballet schools, clubs,… usually pretend what the boys should wear or have to wear. My boys wear tights, Tigths or leggings with or without foot, shirts, cyclists…. And what they should wear, like pantyhose, was also given in the dress order or counted by the trainers. And all the guys are pulling on – there’s nothing in it. Pantyhose are unisex and you can exercise well in it.
Mine have dressed for gymnastics/dancees/ballet tights, shirts, cyclists, bodies… but this gives the ballet school or the club… also before – at least with us.
So I wear a blue leggins, white shirt, and it was already. Of course there’s a little bit. Had a ballet school prescribed the stump pants and body. You have to wear what the school says.
A dance and ballet shoes.
Are you on the move, besides your other comprehensive activities?
Maybe I wasn’t 100% honest here 🙂
I’m not gonna say it.
I’m too fat for ballet!
I don’t know. What do you have to wear at ballet?
Can you wear underwear?