Jungs die von ihren Eltern zur Beschneidung “gezwungen” wurden – wie lief das ab?
Altersgruppe 8-17 Jahre
Ich höre und lese immer wieder, dass Jungs von ihren Eltern zur Beschneidung genötigt wurden, ohne dass ein Arzt die Notwendigkeit festgestellt hat.
Die Betroffenen: Wie lief das ab? Haben eure Eltern euch “erpresst”? Oder habt ihr eine Belohnung bekommen? Haben sie euch das nur vorgeschlagen?
Kommt ihr heute damit klar?
I was 5 at the time. “Expressed” or “forced” you can’t really call it. My parents have said that my foreskin has to be operated because it is too tight, then we went to the hospital and I was able to pick up pictures to see if the foreskin should only be half or completely off, decided to “half off” and after the surgery it was completely off because there was any complications.
I don’t know if my parents got it as a recommendation from any doctor at the time, or they decided it themselves. I was allowed to play some LCD games at the time in the hospital (the predecessors from Gameboy). Whether this was meant to be a reward or just so I can’t get bored.
The first few days after the surgery did, of course, hurt. I wore my dad’s underpants so they’re not so tight. Otherwise I never had problems. Sex and self-satisfaction still feel good, I have witnessed two children, so everything is great.
With me it was my then friend of the.licn. Before circumcision, he denied me sex, and because I loved him so much, I let him do it sometime. I’m still very happy about it. My parents then also got how much I liked it and recognized all the advantages that they wanted my brothers to be circumcised. They all had nothing to do with it and are still very happy without a foretaste.
Just like with me, I’m very glad I’m getting rid of the foreskin
Two of my cousins should be trimmed at the age of 13-14 years. In one, it was also made at the age of 13, which was very happy about it and was looking forward to it. The other came before and wanted it, so it’s been made around the twelfth birthday. I think a few days after that. He also found it good and was looking forward to it.
I just don’t understand why you’re supposed to force someone or need it?
Maybe because the son doesn’t want it!?
If you tell the boys about it, you don’t have to force them. And if they get a new smartphone or tablet, it’s not bad
Then maybe you should explain it….
That’s stupid.
Then I would do the correcting 👍🏻
The icy is still approx. 1cm covered by the unused foreskin
I don’t know, but I don’t know.
just absurd bullshit…
Yes, if that’s your wish, you should do that.
how tight or not tight is it currently?
Yes, ridiculous and false arguments, and then they are circumcised as obscure and bring the weakest comparisons.
Also consider correcting it
Good if you’re satisfied.
Actually, everyone is happy. Even if the notorious (uncut ☝️) circumcision opponents are categorically opposed and lie ridiculous and false arguments in the pocket.
But if you like to have it tighter…. This can be corrected
Yes I’m also glad she’s gone now, and it’s all 100%, could just be a little tougher
Yes, but be glad that it happened and that everything is OK now. And you’re happy too. In this respect everything is good 😉
I am right to say that I would also have been happy if it had been done in kindergarten as planned.
You see… Just like my cousin.
and by the way, with all the others I know, which was cut a little later. Everyone has said that it has not happened much earlier 😉
but the notorious opponents don’t want to hear that…
All right, all right
Yes, they would have liked much earlier
Yeah, you see…. Convincing argumentation has helped. You saw it and agreed.
So? I’m sure you’re very happy, right?
No, not your own. But buzzing cousins and their children
They then agreed
I don’t know if it’s done like that, but I don’t think it’s a problem. I would have been told if it should not be done,
Do you have children? Do you have sons?
It doesn’t have to be getting kids at all. It has to be relatively little in the world. But it is quite reasonable to explain the advantages to children.
But why you have to buy them a new cell phone, or why you should even use this cell phone as a cure, that doesn’t open up to me at all.
Okay, but with age 14 they are full of age where they understand what happens, and where they can also understand the effects of sexual nature. So actually the perfect age for a proper education what is done is why it is made and what benefits it has. And then they will agree, I think
Is that so today? 😉
If the guys get a new smartphone or tablet, they will vote immediately
I just want to tell you that it doesn’t have to be so easy to convince his son of circumcision. There can be certain fears that any attempt to understand can fail.
They were 14
Of course, the success of this education always depends on the age of the children. And of course, as the parents do. If I just say “Ey that is better, that we do,” then that will cause a little understanding. However, if you declare it reasonable to you (from a certain age, of course, it does not work for a two-year-old), and perhaps also shows, then I think that you can reasonably convince a boy in the age of nine years.
at least I know this from here.
and if they are older, let’s say from age 13, for example, then they’ll show quite fast understanding. As I said with a reasonable explanation.
How old were the twins there?
Pure education does not bring 100% understanding. This also depends on the way and age. It can work, but it doesn’t have to. I’ve already understood why it should be good at 9 years. My fear could not be taken so much.
So it was with the twins of my best friend, she had explained to them what, how and why is done, and then they understood it
That’s it.
if he realizes that he doesn’t do something good and has only advantages, then he agrees voluntarily
It’s not that anyone wants him something bad