Jungpferd über Sommer auf Koppel?

Hallo !

Ich habe mir letztes Jahr ein bereits gut angerittenes 4 Jähriges Pferd gekauft. Er ist vom Körper noch relativ “zeh” und gerade im Rücken. Beim Springen ist er noch oft unausbalanciert. Momentan steht er in Boxenhaltung mit viel Werdegang am Tag. Ich habe überlegt, ihn für 1-3 Monate komplett auf die Weide zu schicken und ihn im Winter wieder anzutrainieren um ihn nächste Saison dann auf Turnier vorzustellen. Er ist beim reiten oft auch noch Frech und teilweise echt so in seinem Element. Unter dem Bereiter den ich habe wird er aber immer besser und besser.

habt ihr bereits Erfahrungen damit gemacht? Und habt ihr “Tipps” insofern man welche geben kann?🙈

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2 years ago

when the maul is finished, the horse is ready.

if the rear tooth is straight and the gap on the gum has closed, something can really start with the horse. also as a free-time rider. more can compensate for a quantity.

He’s often a freak when riding, and sometimes he’s really in his element.

nope. what many call fleal ages are in reality maul problems that come from the pushing teeth. the whole kiefer geometry is still moving.

and often these processes are quite painful even without trense in the maul.

until there is finally everything at his place, you need a different trense at all 4 months.

the body is not yet ready – the horse has to grow into itself.

really adult are horses between 7 1/2 and 9 years.

I’d say – yes, put it away and pack it up around like that.

2 years ago

Good idea.

And another tip: Take advantage of the meantime and look for a stable where your horse gets out more. Boxing is an absolute poison for a young horse and its development.

2 years ago

Yeah, I know some people who give young horses a pair of summers after riding. This is good for the horses in every way.

2 years ago

Depends on what you want, what the supplier can and can afford.

The less boxing for a young horse the better it is for the horse.

Especially if horses are to bring a lot of performance very early, you can quickly overturn them.

Also very experienced trainers also escape the one or the other horse.

If you have the time, you should forget the horses more often on the pasture. Is usually a profit for sustainable use.

However, the attitudes are not so wide for nothing. So every owner finds the attitude he likes for his horse. However not always the right posture for his horse.

2 years ago
Reply to  StRiW

wise words.

if you want to know what can lead to the oxenegruben, you should look at yesterday’s question of lochnets (which once again was “how do you find the horse?”)

2 years ago
Reply to  pony

It’s like that, young horse in the autumn, it’s a solid thing to get back today. But for that, it’s got three tournament loops.

OTon father of the junior rider “The horse must be fully operational at the latest in August, which sport horse we would lend to the son until then?”

One of my employees almost fell off the horse.

2 years ago

If you have the feeling that the horse is still “not enough horse” then keep the horse away for a few months.

Jumping a four-year-old? Does that have to be? Hope these are just small hoppers…

Young horse in boxing is also something questionable, how many hours does he get out daily? No wonder he’s not so well developed yet.

2 years ago
Reply to  Honeyballxd1

I have no idea about tournament sports, but jumping horse tests are going off A* as I read?

So if something was on my horse, I would never train the height at the age

2 years ago
Reply to  Honeyballxd1

That’s not much…. Then it is in turn 15-16 hours a day only in the box (depending on whether you are working with or not an hour). Healthy young horse keeping looks different. Imagine you were locked in a small bathroom 16 hours a day. Just take a few steps before you have to turn around.

2 years ago

“I think he’s jumping” isn’t a good thing…

2 years ago

What’s “zeh”? Or do you mean “tough”? Clearly, a 4 year has to develop, so good idea to send him back to the pasture. Box keeping does not really contribute to the healthy attitude. Not at the young horse. How should a strong & resilient band apparatus, muscles, hard bones, etc. form in an animal designed for movement, at 10 – 12 h or even more standing time…?

And why you have to jump a 4j. and the grad 5j. then even on tournament, is very bad. There the horse hasn’t even grown up yet, but it’s supposed to bring performance. But of course, fully in the fast, higher, further trend. Unfortunately, there are now no more so many times taking the time to train a young horse wisely and to give him time to develop more slowly but healthy. When you go to the tournament with a 6, 7, 8j. is still early enough.

What one sees in all places in horses that are already (over)requested so young are over the clock turned 15 years with various construction sites on body and spirit. Too bad.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hjalti

I understand that she bought a four-year-old horse last year. Speak the is now 5 and should go next year 6j tournament

2 years ago
Reply to  lastunicorn007

Horses are born idR in spring / early summer – even if they are born on 01.01. a year older – so the horse is now 5. And then go with 5 tournaments.

2 years ago
Reply to  Honeyballxd1

How long is he now five… four weeks, six weeks? Two days? Legitim is then to go tournament when the horse is ready.

2 years ago

What is not to understand? How long has the horse been 5 years old? Was it yesterday’s birthday? Or in May? Or in April? Depending on what you’re going to do, as you’ve already written, you’re going to compete with a 5 year. Basically it doesn’t matter – 4j. should not jump, 4 and 5j. no tournaments start. Also 6 years are often enough for it neither mentally nor physically already far enough.

But of course, it is up to everyone to know whether he wants to ride and work his horse in a healthy way in order to benefit from a fit animal for as long as possible – or not. Jumping wears horses, it’s like that. However, one can influence the degree of wear – both positive and negative.

2 years ago

The idea of putting him on the hook again is not bad in principle. But why you let him jump and want to go to a tournament next year, I don’t think so. First he shall grow and thrive in peace and then he shall be broken? Even professional riders who don’t look at horses as a sports equipment let their youngsters get old enough before they start training. And why? Because they have something of them longer. And then they have one or more horses with which they start tournaments until the youngster is ready.

A young horse is like a child. This is not allowed to run a marathon after the growth phase.

Therefore, please give him time, train him gently, and then start 7 or 8 years on the tournament.

2 years ago
Reply to  Keks37

Well, in the professional camp is riding horse testing with 3 / jumping horse testing with 4, jumping tournament with 4 nothing unusual. But are usually not their own horses but are just ridden and presented. And then it doesn’t matter if such a horse is plated with 9j and goes out of sport.

2 years ago

Yeah, it’s on the pasture. 24 hours. At least 6 months, not only 1-3. And then look for nem stable with more movement. You’re going to get out of town.

8 hours of pasture on day is almost nix. First right for a young horse. He’s in the box for 16 hours. How is the whole musculoskeletal system supposed to be able to develop healthy at so much standing time?

A young horse needs one before all, and this is free and constant movement. So pasture with herd and many movement incentives.

From that point of view, put him on the pasture, as long as possible.