Junge oder Mädchen?
Ich bin das erste mal nach lang ersehnter Zeit schwanger geworden und nun in der 17 SSW ungefähr. Ich hatte gestern bei meinem FA wieder einen Ultraschall gehabt. Der Arzt meinte er will mir nichts versprechen aber er ist sich fast sicher das der Wurm nach einem Mädchen aussieht.
Nun würden mich die Meinungen von euch dazu interessieren, was denkt ihr ?
Wirklich ein Mädchen 🩷 oder doch ein Junge 💙 ?
Hm…I don’t recognize anything in the picture… noticeable..at me was clearly seeing baby and the little tip…harharhar… as if he kept him extra for the picture so that no doubt arises. But your doctor painted a “?”… I’d rather wait for the next ultrasound…
Okay, thanks for your opinion. You don’t want to get too hard on it, you often hear the doctors fool you.
That’s why I’d rather wait for the next ultrasound, and my friend’s son had hidden the tip for a long time… but when ultrasound was on, they didn’t get it right. the pictures/devices are even better…
Yeah, that’s right, maybe it’s better. I would, of course, be happy about both. Then it remains exciting..
Red heart
I think your female doctor knows better than we do
Certainly, however, many who have experience with it (maybe already have children) have a “click” for it. You shouldn’t have commented. 😅