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4 months ago

Medically speaking, pregnancy and birth are the most risk-free, between 20 and 30 years.

But you should be in the profession and be financially safe. So have built the nest and have a fixed relationship with the other parent.

Even psychologically, you should be fit when approaching family planning.

If it happens unplanned in young years simply so that you get pregnant, it is important to be well advised what options are open to you.

You get this support automatically, even if you have to decide what way you want to take. The easiest thing is to accompany your parents. But there are also mother/child institutions from the state. To release adoption, a variant would also be.

Although I am not directly against abortions, I still have my reservations, which can later do with the woman’s psyche. Then if she really wants a baby later and it doesn’t work. Because you can’t plan it like that.

That is precisely why the mother who is going to have the sole decision whether she wants to abort or not. There the future fathers have no real right to speak. You must accept the partner’s decision.

4 months ago

That’s your personal decision when you want to become mom. If the circumstances fit, I generally do not see a problem, even if it happens in very young years.

4 months ago

It always depends on the overall circumstances.

And there is no “from what age…”

Some become young mother and get it excellent, others are older and fail completely. Or vice versa.

And if it happens “forcibly” you have to decide if you really have grown this responsibility.

4 months ago

I think you should only become a mother if you can offer the child a loving, stable environment. Whether it’s 20 or 35 doesn’t matter.

And if it “fits”: then you sit with people you like and discuss how it should go on. if you don’t have someone like that: there are the Caritas, the Diakonie and some more. They also advise you and help you. Also important in such a situation if you think you don’t understand: The Youth Office. NO; These are not the evil ones, but people who want to help you.

4 months ago

That’s bullshit. It doesn’t always work like you want. And you have to stick to rules. But it’s not different.

4 months ago

Then go again, that can’t be so guaranteed. Unless you live NOT in Germany! I don’t know.

But in Germany you still have a RIGHT on maintenance. Because you won’t earn 1500 euros or more.

4 months ago

In any event, NOT for recovery from maintenance. Unless you deserve a lot of training and are the unsustainable. Rather, I can imagine that you – because of training – are still addicted to maintenance.

You don’t get the language. You don’t have to. But that’s just how you can’t help you…

In any event, the Youth Office does not return the grant from the (former) dependent child. Unless it’s clearly deceived.

4 months ago

I’ll tell you again: Certainly not For even if you are subject to maintenance, there is still a self-sufficiency. And your education should be far below this.

And children do not have to pay back their maintenance, I have to get the Youth Office from the ERZEUGER. or from the dependant.

4 months ago

Don’t do it because you have to repay your support.

4 months ago

You don’t have to, you don’t have to pay a fee, you won’t get from the child, but from the payer. And these are father and mother

4 months ago

There is no such rule. Where did you get that?

4 months ago

There is no general answer, I think.

I only wanted to complete the study and gain first experience in the profession. That was the right thing for me.

Other women prefer children sooner or later and this is the right time for them.

But I would say downstairs, not 18-20 years ago. You’re missing so much from the youth life that’s extremely valuable. But also there I know exceptions where it works wonderfully with child.

4 months ago

If you have at least halfway in the professional life (training at least completed) and can have good financial support.

If that had not been given to me, I would have driven off an unplanned child

4 months ago
Reply to  Isuzu189

To release for adoption would not be an alternative for you?

4 months ago

I don’t think you should worry about it before 20. By the way, this does not happen “unforgiving” but either with intention or lack of intelligence.

4 months ago

It’ll be okay from 21, but only in marriage. For me, it wouldn’t be so bad to get pregnant now that my friend wants to marry me soon. I just don’t know how to tell my mother.

4 months ago
Reply to  CherryGirl05

How old are you?

And aren’t you afraid of Se* and that hurts birth?

4 months ago


And well, if it happened, it just happened. You have to go through that.

4 months ago

from what age should you get the first child

If you’re mature enough and ready for it.

what do you do when it happens

How’s it supposed to happen? Apart from a few, very few exceptions, you get that with…


4 months ago

Best if you are self-employed and 18+.

4 months ago

With my own I mean able to care for yourself. Speak work and the ability to lead the household itself. If you can’t do this and depend on your parents, you just shouldn’t get kids.