Jugendgefährdende TV-Werbung?
Mir ist aufgefallen, daß inzwischen selbst mitten am Tage diverse “Sex-Werbung” für u.a. Dildos und ähnlichen im allg. Free-TV zur besten Tagezeit bereits läuft, also einer Zeit, wo auch sehr viele Kinder und Jugendliche TV sehen. Wie steht derart im Zusammenhang mit dem Jugendschutzgesetz und vorallem ist ja die Frage, wie kommt man auf die Idee um diese Zeit derart “Schmuddel”-Werbung zu zeigen? Fehlt ja nur noch, daß am Tage die “Sexhotline”-Werbefilmchen(“0900 & Co.”) laufen.
Worse are the slip inserts and tampon advertising which show the presentation with red color. 😂 What comes next Pampers with real Kot?
Yes, but the red color with such sanitary nap TV advertising, which is relatively new. For years the colour was always blue.
That’s it. That’s a sign that TV is getting more trash.
Welcome. That you only notice this now? The advertisements of Eis.de etc. have been on TV for years.
What does child protection mean? It is not shown what is extreme, nor is it solved with fraternal behavior.
When it comes to children’s safety, I would recommend switching on the appropriate children’s stations such as Disney, Nickelodeon or Kika, because they definitely do not bring this advertisement.
Thank God
Luckily we are not yet with Micaela Schäfer in the morning / afternoon program. xD
This is completely harmless advertising.
People who do not know that it is about sex toys (e.g. children) do not even realize that.
It is not necessary to tremble in all the fall of the Evening Country 😀
…my child (6) recently asked me, “Papa, what are these dildos and vibrators?” I don’t want to. FACEPALM
See, it had no idea what that is.
If you don’t want to explain it to him, just leave it:D
Did I ever tell you to do that?
Read it right before you get upset
No, I’m not discussing with my 6 year old child about dildos & vibrators, just as little as anal traffic.
People with guinea pig brains are everywhere. Also in advertising.
That’s not missing, there is already.
Eben…, disgusting
Live in a western country.
…this is not the debate.