Jugendamt will Kind wegnehmen wegen alten Sachen was mache ich?


Ich bin 19 Jahre alt und seit 1 Woche frische Mama.
ich hatte in den vergangen Jahren hin und wieder Probleme weil ich als Heimkind groß geworden bin. Das Jugendamt drohte mir damit das wenn ich nicht 3 Monate in eine Mutter Kind Gruppe gehe das die mir meinen Sohn wegnehmen weil sie sorgen haben das ich das nicht schaffe. Ich lebe mit meinem Partner zusammen und wir haben das geteilte Sorgerecht. Zu meiner Frage : Dürfen die mir einfach meinen Sohn entziehen weil sie Angst haben das ich das nicht schaffe und ihn evtl schütteln könnte oder ihn alleine lasse. Was ich halt nie machen würde 😃 Er lebt seit 1 Woche und 2 Tagen bei mir und wir bekommen es super hin… Kann mir da einer behilflich sein?

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1 year ago

The Youth Office needs a very concrete reason to deprive someone of the child. That is why always work with the Youth Office, but please also have a lawyer and advice.

If the Youth Office has any doubt that your child is well, the YES could demand a so-called clearing. The whole thing would run for a few months and goes outpatiently as well. Here, various areas of your life are looked at exactly and explained how good you can care for your child.

But it is always important to get support away from youth and youth support. At the court, you can apply for the costs for a lawyer and then let you advise. If you are already connected to a youth assistance provider and there is a problem with this, look for the ombuds office in your country.

But it’s important. Without an important and very concrete reason, the Youth Office cannot and must not take the child. Does it still make an objection. Then your child is home a day later, and the whole thing goes to court.

1 year ago

As a mother, you are, of course, the most important reference person for your child.

I guess that’s what the Youth Office should see. The justification that you would not participate in the Mother-Kind Group – which is why you should be deprived of custody – I do not think it is sufficient. If you’re loving your son now, they can’t take your child away. Try to talk to someone from the Youth Office again. Unfortunately, if you don’t have to do this, you have to take a lawyer.

You should also take care of a course for infant care. Could be helpful if your kid is in or is being looked after.

1 year ago
Reply to  Pescatori

Well. If it is incapable, it cannot be the most important reference person. There it is necessary to act quickly and install another main reference person as long as the child is still so young that it does not take any further damage. You can’t blame the child to grow up with someone like that!

4 months ago

The Youth Office may, in principle, consider that the welfare of children is at risk.

But you can cooperate if you use family help. But you have the chance to do everything better with your child because you are now in a responsibility, but often the Youth Office is right.

I urge you and your worm both thumbs and take every help at the beginning and get into this wonderful task

1 year ago

There’s no “just like that.” You have runs. And you have to fulfill these requirements when the Youth Office breathes you in your neck. If you set yourself across although what has been arranged for good reasons, you will be temporarily or completely deprived of custody.

1 year ago
Reply to  LePetitGateau

The Youth Office often orders, but very often without good reasons. And we deprived the right of custody by a court if there are very important reasons for this, not by the Youth Office, because their requirements are not fulfilled.

1 year ago

Why didn’t you go to that group? If it were about my child (if I have one day), then I would stand for it and leave it lying and go into this group.

And the youth office can take your child away. If you want to do something about it, you can get a lawyer.

1 year ago

No, that’s not so easy, so also the offer with the Mother Kind Group.

Go and show that you can, or let you see how it is.

No way to go, or if you’re not there…

1 year ago

Right now

The whole thing has to be resolved in court

Deny any statements

This may sound strange now, but the ones from the youth office can take away the child from you!

The well-being of the child(if they say that we want to tear the child away) is at first place and should the least doubt arise immediately withdrawal of the custody.

A lawyer will advise you how you can do well against the youth office legally and if necessary defend yourself against accusations of the youth office in court

If you don’t have a right-wing insurance, it’ll be expensive

But keep deciding how much money your child is worth then hopefully a lot “”

With that is not too spat have already made experience that are dangerous very even

1 year ago

Honestly, ask a lawyer.

1 year ago

You had the requirements of the youth office.

In addition, you are still very young and apparently had your problems in the past. Now you show that you are not willing to cooperate with the Youth Office for the benefit of your child.

That definitely doesn’t make a good impression. And neither a very responsible one.