Jugendamt hat Mitarbeiter gewechselt , jetzt kein Umgang mehr?

Liebe Gute Frage Nutzer,

Bei mir ist es so das ich Kontakt zum Jugendamt hatte , und die Mitarbeiterinen mir und meinem Partner immer gesagt hatten wo ich meinen Sohn besuchen kann , da er bei einer Pflegefamilie ist und nun bei meiner Mutter. Nun sagte meine Mutter mir das es eine neue Sachbearbeiterin gibt , und diese meint das sie den Umgang verweigert obwohl Sie im gleichen Büro sitzt wie wir davor bereits waren.

Kann es sein das meine Mutter das so eingerichtet hat , schliesslich wollte Sie ihr ganzes Leben einen Jungen haben ( Sie wollte schon in der Schwangerschaft das er Ihren Nachnamen bekommt , was ich nicht zugelassen habe) und hatte selbst nur zwei Töchter , wir sind beide jeweils mit 14 Jahren von meiner Mutter weg weil Sie kaum Zeit hatte und sich nie richtig gekümmert hat , bei mir war es so das ich in eine Wg kommen sollte und meine Schwester wollte mit 14 zum eigenen Vater weg obwohl er sehr streng ist.

Wie kann es überhaupt sein das mein Sohn zu ihr kommt wenn beide wir Töchter ihr weggenommen wurden .

Sie wünschte sich eine Zeit bevor ich schwanger wurde , selbst schwanger zu werden was anscheinend nicht geklappt hatte.

was soll ich nun machen die neue Mitarbeiterin halte ich für unzuverlässig

danke im vorraus

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1 year ago

Hello tyffys,

from your question, unfortunately, there are more questions than answers for you.

Basically, of course, you have a right to handle your son. This is only allowed to limit or prohibit the family court. But what has the court done so far?

And above all – who has the custody of your son.

And how old is your son anyway.

If your son is to change from a nursing family to your mother, there should be a help plan conference and a new help plan. At the conference, you can and should participate and also say your opinion. It’s normal that you agree to the new help plan at the end. And if anything changes, you don’t get the information about it from your mother (it really has nothing to do with it, except if you’re not full-year and she has the right to take care of you. But this does not automatically apply to the child. And where is the father of the child? Is that your partner?

Even if you’re not dealing with your son, you should always know where he is. An exception can only be if you have abused this knowledge beforehand, e.g. tried to remove it (seduce).

And the family court can only rule out dealing with you if dealing with you contradicts the welfare of the child. Your partner (if he is not the child’s father) must always be considered separately because he is not related to your son and it plays a great role as if the man is known and familiar to the child, because I have previously lived as a family.

Did you visit your son regularly and reliably while he was in the nursing family?

When was the move to your mother and when/how did you learn about it?

Surely you can object to your mother’s care and clearly she can be behind the current situations – but we can’t tell you that, but only the Youth Office.

The fact that a new employee sits in the same office has nothing to do with her decisions. But if you contradict it then it must be checked (first time in office) and then, if necessary, at the family court. You may need this. Help or a lawyer.

About possibly. We can’t tell your mother’s motives. But if you and your sister have already been given the ability to educate, then the decision to select them as a new care center is at least surprising. But that would be the case for a help plan conference to discuss this. What exactly does the Youth Office say to you – when did you last talk to the specialist and, if necessary, the person concerned for your son?

Whether an employee is unreliable, I don’t want to rate it now. For this, too much is unclear or incomplete about your description. Do you have the last protocol of help planning? From when is it and what was held there as a measure? Is that true? And if not, then urgently a help plan conference should take place with you and, if necessary, a support.

In more and more federal states, there are independent ombuts, which can advise you in dealing with the Youth Office. Then you can ask your youth office.

1 year ago

Then the new employee asks for a conversation and your concerns that the child lives with your mother. A new employee can also be a chance of a new start.

If she is really unreliable, you can ask for a conversation with the boss.

1 year ago

If from the point of view of the Youth Office something had changed to the management system, they would have contacted you.

You didn’t just get the information about your mother.

You should report to the youth office and tell you that your mother wants to refuse to deal with your child on the grounds.

1 year ago

^ If you were so terribly reliable, you wouldn’t have taken the child away. the jugendamt has nothing to do with the circumvent. If your mother denies the circumvent, turn to the court.

1 year ago

This will depend on why the baby must not be with you and whether something has happened to the visits. The employee should explain exactly what you need to change to see your child regularly.

1 year ago
Reply to  tyffys

Why doesn’t the child live with you? What was the reason why it was taken away?

1 year ago

Now my mother told me that there is a new specialist, and this means that she refuses to deal with it.

You can doubt that.

Check this out with the youth office. Thus, the handling of parents child cannot be denied.

1 year ago
Reply to  tyffys

no they have taken the child directly from you because they do not think you are mentally fit to raise a child and you are already known.

1 year ago
Reply to  tyffys

, I wonder what they have done, especially since this is not a risk of child welfare

That’s nonsense.

There’s baby food.

since I had everything at home all had brand new and expensive ( had worked at Porsche at that time)

With 14 years?

1 year ago

Nonetheless, not breastfeeding is not a risk of child welfare.

Why was the child taken in custody? There’s nothing like that. Especially since a court order has to be made.

1 year ago

That’s just your mother’s testimony. She can tell a lot.
Turn to the youth office and find out what it is

1 year ago
Reply to  tyffys

You shall go and not write.

1 year ago

Talk to the employee first. You don’t know her, you don’t know her.

1 year ago
Reply to  tyffys

then you have your answer. What did you mean?