Juckender Fleck der immer größer wird?

Hey hey habe seit Wochen so n kleinen Fleck der juckt wenn ich in anfass der ist jetzt mindestens 3 mal so gros wie vor paar Wochen. Des fühlt sich auch komisch an geht in der Mitte so runter wie ein kleiner Krater

was könnte das sein.

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2 years ago

From to dermatologist, also called skin doctor

2 years ago

Have you ever scratched or scratched? Is it just the one place or are there other places on the body? Looks like a wound that doesn’t cure right for me. And the red around it could be an allergic reaction. Maybe it was a bubble or something. You could even do a patch on it if the clothes are always shoving on it then it won’t heal. If, for example, one is allergic to detergents, this can also arise.

2 years ago

Maybe you’re allergic to something. Or some skin problem. I might leave things with nuts or milk at your place. Keep the things where many people are allergic to it. If this gets bigger after a week, I’d just go to the doctor’s office. LG

2 years ago

It has nothing to do with your Tatoos, right? In addition to allergy/hautirritation, I also have boroelliosis (by tick bite). The hiking toad is a red, growing ring, but usually disappears faster, rarely itchy and actually smooth – no crater. You haven’t had cold symptoms in the last few days, have you? If so, it would speak for a boroelliosis.

2 years ago
Reply to  nachtvogel788

This has nothing to do with a wandering roast.

An erythema migrans looks more like a knut stain.

Look here: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=wander%C3%B6te++&t=newext&atb=v358-1&iax=images&ia=images

2 years ago
Reply to  Dackodil

No, unfortunately not always – own experience.

2 years ago

Right, the absence of a wandering toad is not proof that no infection with Borrelia occurred.

What the FS shows is not a hiking toad.

2 years ago

You’re best to go to the doctor.

2 years ago

A abscess may or a skin irritation. Go to the Artzt