Joomla 4 Website?
Hey und zwar muss ich für die Schule eine Website erstellen. Bei mir sind aber folgende Fehler:
1. Warum sind diese 3 Menüpunktr so aneinander. Wie bekomme ich mehr Abstand zwischen diese?
2. Sobald ich auf Schuljahre oder Über mich gehen will kommt diese Fehlermeldung. Wie kann ich von einem zum anderen Menüpunkt wechseln?
You lack the basic understanding of HTML:
404 means that you have not set the link to the desired target file correctly. This will occur when you drop the target file in another directory and do not indicate the name of the directory in the link to this file.
The 404 error message comes because you call an invalid link.
Check the name of the page and the link you have in the menu.
Do not use special characters from ‘-‘ and only small letters
Use correct address either relative or absolute
To the distance?
Without code difficult, but apparently Padding and Margin are set to 0.
yes Padding and Margin are on 0 but how can I change that? If I try, there’s only one error message…
You’ll have to check this in the template you used. It is possible that the menu-point distances are not present at all….
In the menus, set which item is displayed when clicking on a menu item.
Look at YouTube there you can find various CMS and also Joomla videos from installation to setup.
No good way for such tutorials
He should get the videos in it; so he knows where he finally finds what in the backend and how he can adapt the design. Say Create pages and link iM menu etc. pp.