Joghurt in die Scheide?

Hallo, war heute beim Frauenarzt und der meinte ich soll Naturjoghurt mithilfe eines Tampons in meine scheide einführen und 1-2 stunden drin lassen. Jetzt habe ich gelesen dass es verschiedene Meinungen gibt. Was haltet ihr davon?

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9 months ago

Hello, I myself already care for my Uschi “since ancient times” in this way, Regular. (Also on recommendation of my gyn.) – Many very dear greetings, Imke =)

9 months ago

Lactic acid bacteria are good but there are also creams that contain this and are made extra for the vagina. I’d prefer that personally.

9 months ago
Reply to  Jana174923

So do I.

9 months ago


I am surprised that your gynecologist recommended this to you. This is not a common treatment method and even now yogurt + tampon is not the best choice.

It is true that yogurt contains lactic acid bacteria ABER that are not the same as in our vagina to somehow benefit from it by means of yogurt tampon. Better to eat the yogurt:

However, there are also studies that show an efficacy of yogurt and honey in vaginal infections: Pilze-284428.html

Nevertheless, yogurt can also have disadvantages, especially in yogurt soaked tampon can cause infections: structures

So rather not use the yoghurtampon, but commercial lactic acid suppositories like Vagisan. This then helps against infections or effectively builds up the vaginal flora. Better not risk anything and experiment with yoghurt around it, but just grab the products for it.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



9 months ago
Reply to  Sheelahrh

Very happy ^

9 months ago


Do not do that, although in the vagina are lactic acid bacteria, the yogurt cannot help. Better change the female doctor and don’t think about doing that. Kan I’m worst case leading to TSS (Toxic Schok Syndrome).

Take care of yourself


9 months ago
Reply to  LilLina822

In addition, irritation and inflammation can be obtained. If you get it against a mushroom, it may even worsen.

9 months ago
Reply to  Sheelahrh

Yoghurt – ideal breeding ground for germs

Yoghurt is used as an alternative home remedy for vaginal infections. Inserted into the vagina via a tampon or vaginal sponge, yogurt is to restore the damaged vaginal environment. While yogurt is healthy as food, it promotes fungal growth in the vagina and provides an ideal breeding ground for pathogenic germs. In addition, yogurts contain preservatives and chemical additives that do not necessarily contribute to a healthy vaginal environment. library/index/recognition/

9 months ago

If the doctor recommends, he also bears responsibility. It would be stupid to listen to voices from outside the side line.

9 months ago

I’m male but I’ve never heard of such a nonsense I wouldn’t do it to the pharmacy that will have the right thing

9 months ago
Reply to  Sjuak

What is that even a doctor

9 months ago

One way to push the vaginal flora with natural means. This does not cure fungus.

Why did you recommend that?

9 months ago
Reply to  Sheelahrh

An attempt is always worth it. I’d do something different, but use yogurt.

It is not a new idea and evidenced by studies that the use has advantages can.

9 months ago

TSS is wrongly only fixed on tampons. This comes from a time when production did not meet today’s hygienic standards.

Tampons are safe!

I’m 51 years old and I haven’t been bleeding for three years. During my fertile time, I always used tampons. Mostly the largest size and this on weekends also worn 10-12 hours overnight. In 35 years of bleeding, I never got sick of tampons.

I don’t know a single case from my environment either.