Jobs in England 6-12 Monate?
Hallo ich möchte gerne in England für 6-12 Monate bei meiner Tante wohnen und da versuchen eine Zeit lang zu leben weil ich mir etwas Erfahrung für mein Leben sammeln will aus vielen Gründen kann mir daher jemand was empfehlen was man in der Zeit für gute Jobs machen könnte.
Since Brexit, this is no longer so easy. How stufix2000 already written, familiarize yourself with the Visa regulations for GB. You know your plans and can therefore better find out what and what visa fits in your situation.
If you want to work in the UK
You can work in the UK on a short or long-term basic with a work visa. There are many typeswork visa.
The visa you need depends upon:
Then get familiar with Britain’s visa requirements.
Since Brexit, it has been over with the “Jobs” for foreigners.
Visit yes, work no!