Jobcenter verlangt das die Kündigung bestätigt wird seitens des Arbeitgebers ist das rechtes?
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kurz und knapp ich wurde in der Probezeit seitens des Arbeitgebers ohne Angabe von Gründen gekündigt .
die Kündigung schickte ich also dem Jobcenter .
Jetzt werde ich tatsächlich aufgefordert mir das bestätigen zu lassen .
was soll das ?
Die Kündigung ist bereits schriftlich . Also warum noch extra Bestätigen ?
Mir kommt es so vor , als mache sich das Jobcenter lustig . Wer kommt auf sowas ?
dann fordert man mich auf Wohngeld zu beantragen.
kann ich dem widersprechen? Wer vom Jobcenter Leistungen bezieht , hat logischerweise keinen Anspruch auf Wohngeld ect .
Soll ich dies nochmal schriftlich schicken ?
Can’t be. If, then You dismissed.
If the housing money was higher than the public money, it would make sense.
But if you become unemployed for whatever reason, you have to regain the job center’s services. And who receives civil money has no entitlement to housing money, so that makes no sense to me, the requirements of the job centre
No one has to receive services from the job center, see also my answer. Residential allowance is required!
Perhaps the job centre only wants to have a confirmation that there is no entitlement to housing. Negative certificate.
This is also true in principle.
That’s not correct.
If you were employed for social insurance, the corresponding entitlement to unemployment benefit would be a priority for the public benefit.
Of course, that there is a corresponding claim.
Perhaps you have other incomes, which only increased citizens’ money was founded. This would also justify an application for housing allowance if necessary.
I can’t understand that. If you have received a written notice from the employer, then Is that the confirmation. However, I have to say that I wouldn’t make a wave like that. Just let your ex-worker write a confirmation again.
Lg, Nicki
You should contact your specialist in this matter personally and clarify the current situation on site.
Of course they can ask. Priority is to apply for other services. What do you think the job center is?
What confirmation? You need a lot more to explain why they have announced you to decide whether or not you get a blocking period.
And if the employer confirms that the reasons are in your person, then there is no penny for 3 months 🤷