Jobcenter Sperre, was tun?

Hallo erstmal. Ich weiß wirklich nicht wo ich Anfangen soll

Ich will mein genaues Alter nicht verraten, aber ich bin noch jung. Ich habe nach meinem Realschulabschluss ein Drogenproblem entwickelt, weshalb ich mich nie beim Jobcenter gemeldet hatte und die Termine ignoriert habe. Mein ganzes Bürgergeld ging an das Konto von meiner Mutter, weshalb ich auch den Überblick total verloren habe und es mir ehrlich gesagt auch egal war. Ich hatte über ein Jahr lang nur meine Tabletten im Kopf und war täglich bzw alle zwei Tage total drauf

Jetzt versuch ich mein Leben in den Griff zu kriegen, ich gehe regelmäßig trainieren und habe mich radikal von meiner Sucht getrennt. Allerdings habe ich vor einem Monat einen Brief erhalten, in dem steht, dass mein Leistungsbezug beendet wurde, weil ich mich nie gemeldet habe.

Das kann ich auch verstehen, allerdings macht es mir echt zu schaffen weil ich auf die schnelle keinen Job finden kann. Wegen der Lücke in meinem Lebenslauf, habe ich bisher nur Absagen kassiert. Ich stehe kurz davor obdachlos zu werden

Meine Fragen daher: Kann ich mich irgendwie beim Jobcenter melden und alles nachträglich klären? Und falls nein, wie bekomme ich auf die schnelle einen Job trotz Lücke?

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5 months ago


Respect for bringing your life back in the right direction and solving you from the addiction! That’s really a tough step, and it’s great that you’re taking this on. Let’s see how you can best deal with your situation.

1. Contact Jobcenter

Even if your services have been hired now, it doesn’t mean everything is lost. You can definitely report to the job center and try to clarify the matter afterwards. Here are some tips:

Quickly act: Call directly at the job center and make an appointment. Explain your situation, in particular, that you could not report for health reasons and now want to get back to your feet. Be honest, that’s getting better.

Medical evidence: If you have anything written, for example, by a doctor or a consultancy agency that proves your addiction problem and the recovery process, you must take it with you. This can help that the job center understands your situation better and possibly reverses the attitude of the services (according to § 48 para. 1 SGB X).

New start plan: At the appointment you can also discuss a new integration agreement. This is a plan to get back to the job market and what the job center can offer you support.

Two. Application for bridging aid

If you are really close to homelessness, the job center asks for a bridging aid or a advance. It’s in emergencies when you think without money. And hey, that’s your right – don’t let yourself go!

3. Quickly find a job

To get to money at short notice, you can try to find a minijob or help job. Especially in gastronomy, in retail or as a warehouse aid, people are often sought, even if you don’t have a perfect Vita. It may not be the dream thing, but it’s getting something on the edge and can give you a bit of air until you find something longer.

4. Don’t stop!

It’s clear you’ve got a lot to fight right now, but stay on it! You’ve already made the first big step by adjusting yourself to the situation. If you need help, there are also many counselling points that can help you.

I hope this works for you and you’ll get back on your feet. Give it all, stay on it and get the support you’ve got!

Happy for you and stay strong!

5 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Hey, I’m glad you helped the answer, and you’re stuck! The fact that you have taken the withdrawal alone is really a strong performance – that requires a lot of willpower. It’s a pity you don’t have medical evidence, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have a chance at the job center.

When you call the job center, just be honest about how the situation was. The employees there usually understand that not everyone with such problems goes directly to a doctor or clinic. It is important that you show that you are stable and want to change something actively. The bridging aid could really help you get the worst bottlenecks until you find a job.

As far as gastro jobs are concerned, this is also a super plan – many locals are looking for help, and this can quickly secure you a small source of income.

I will definitely push you the thumbs that everything works well and you’ll be on safe legs soon! And if you have any questions or just need someone to talk, feel free to report. Stay strong!

5 months ago

You can clarify everything with the job center in retrospect, of course – but if they show cunning, I don’t know. I’m not the friend of Jobcenter etc.

And that’s gonna be a personal service company if they see you have a real school degree, whether you have a gap or not. If it’s hard to get a normal job, get back to temporary workers, at least you have something to start

5 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Jaa in Kulanz can only be hoped.
That’s why you never get unemployed. Otherwise they have nothing to do with them.
So I’m telling you honestly, I’ve never worked myself because I have a firm job – but I often hear from some friends the timework company “almost” take everyone.
They can convey you well, and if you’re doing well, there’s a company that wants to keep you, then you’d be out of the temporary work company and they’d take you over.

Would be a good start if you’re getting canceled elsewhere.