jobcenter miete?
guten tag , wisst ihr villeicht wie viel jobcenter miete bezahlt für 7 personen in witten beziehungsweise jobcenter ennepe ruhr kreis. würde das jobcenter in wittener innenstadt 1600 gesamtmiete für 7 personen bezahlen. Danke im voraus
You have to ask your advisor to the JC. Sounds very high.
In no case rent without written confirmation of JC
The so-called. Adequacy limits differ from place to place.
Please ask the relevant job center.
This is extremely unlikely. I used to googling for you.
Thank you.
It is not as unlikely as the link probably has only the gross calt rents.
I did not recommendto consult the relevant job centre.
In addition, numbers online no longer have to be up to date.
Or the next social consultancy agency. In any case, Maja has right with her contribution and he is completely correct. She knew everything that matters here and posted the correct list.
In any case, it is there that you should report to more than 5 people individually.
Why didn’t you see the list of Harald as an original? That’s very strange to me.
I don’t have to understand, because I understand it.
He’s known to me. This does not mean that I think much of him.
No one knows everything 🙂
The responsible job center is the right person :
You got it.
But at the relevant job center and not on this page 🙂
But someone who says “Hartz4 and employment office” as expertise in his profile, definitely 😉
Then you also know when the new KDU limits are calculated as they are compiled and with which three clicks you find them.
But then our problem is not here, and the FS should be smart.
Then you should consider this as a good tip and inform yourself. Especially when it comes to the same region.
A view.
In principle, I would not be so sure 🙂
No one has claimed.
Not everyone.
What’s different is never on the lists.
The list is the original – I have it here in front of my nose.
Harald always takes care of topicality very quickly. His seminars are always top! If you have questions in the area, you should ask them and tacheles.
The gross calender would have to know the questioner 😉 Harald Thome, by the way, is known and not a spider who publishes sturdy stuff. Tacheles e.V. should be known.
Nonetheless, it is not an original list from the relevant job center, and it may contain only the gross calt rents.
The list is up to date.
The reasonable rents are recalculated every two years per circle/commune. Last in July 2024.