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This depends primarily on the reason why you are currently left alone.
In principle, however, you have to expect contact at any time.
Main thing it will continue paying everything
Ah…you want to provoke
You shouldn’t be bothered.
That’s all you see
A view.
It’s not an insult when you call things by name.
There is no reason to insult someone.
There should be only vouchers for social scrapers. Without alcohol and cigarettes.
If you are not available to the labour market, they will not pay permanently.
No, please pay further
You will be spontaneously invited and may submit your applications.
Otherwise I won’t let myself in on your provocation.
11. October they will contact you again.
I hope I could help you.
Hopefully they don’t transfer anything
Until the holiday of your specialist is over.
I hope you’ll be left with payments soon, with this attitude.
I want to get full benefits
what you want, should not play a role: Citizens’ money should be paid exclusively to unemployed persons, not to unemployed persons.
Don’t let the troll….don’t worry about it.
Just let me finish my civic money
I hope not long.
So you finally get to work.
But I don’t want to
Don’t be afraid… in a couple of days, they’ll take care of you again.
No, please. I just want to keep getting citizen money without sanctions
No! Do something for your money!
Then you shouldn’t get any money. Faule Schmarotzer doesn’t need anyone.