Jobcenter gibt kein Darlehen aubwohl ich in Notlage bin?
Hallo, ich habe zurzeit ein Problem ich bekomme seit mehr als 4 Monaten kein Geld mehr vom Jobcenter, ich habe diesen Monat mein gespartes aufgebraucht und habe nun nix mehr zu essen ich habe auch kein was der mir was leihen kann als ich beim Jobcenter war habe ich den das gesagt und meine Kontoauszüge gezeigt die meinten das es kein Darlehen oder Gutscheine gibt vom Jobcenter die meinen das ich Geduld haben muss, lässt das Jobcenter mich jetzt Hungern? Die sagen. Ganze Zeit das es ihnen leid tut wegen der langen Bearbeitungs Zeit und sonst nix was soll ich machen Sozialgericht dauert ja auch so lange wo kann man essen ohne Geld bekommen
And what is the reason?
If you had already received it, there are certain reasons that the payment will not continue.
So this long processing time from the job center is a huge pork rice, for others everything is there but don’t let you like it, take you from an official court a duty defender if it has to be because you are standing the money you need to pay for it and that all I can’t understand why it takes so long and don’t let you keep getting drunk on the table and say I really need my money now
It’s a bit of assertion without knowing the backgrounds.
Do you know the backgrounds then do it better and leave me in peace
She doesn’t need a defender because she’s not accused.
I meant that she should take a defenseman because she doesn’t get money because the job center really is a freaky thing you have understood the text end by by by
Yeah, I understand what you wrote. That’s why I also know that it’s really wrong and complete nonsense – even if you don’t want to hear that…
have you understood what I have written in peace you know nothing I would hide you now because you bore me and because you have given over 37,000 answers or about 5,000 thank you nicely you don’t need to imagine anything
A defendant (as the name suggests) defends a person in court when the prosecution charges against one.
Do you understand?
by You
You’re annoying I’m gonna hide you now, that’s it!
It still remains
I say it for the last time or I ask it for the last time you know the backgrounds then ask the questioner or the questioner and don’t answer me again I won’t answer it anymore
It remains
I don’t have to. Did not establish any – insane(?) – assertion/evaluation.
Since when to the case, the employment office needs 4 months for processing.
Go to the table.
Go to a social law specialist.
There’s a part of the story missing. Something like that doesn’t happen.
If you need money, you need to work. Or look for a group on social networks sharing food.