Jobcenter Datenabgleich Steuererklärung?
das Jobcenter führt ja vierteljährlich automatische Datenabgleiche durch. Mich würde interessieren, ob in diesen automatischen Datenabgleiche auch zu entnehmen ist, ob der Leistungsempfänger eine Steuererklärung vom Vorjahr abgegeben und eine Steuererstattung erhalten hat.
Bezüglich eines solchen Abgleichs ist nämlich im Internet nirgendwo die Rede.
No data matching takes place between FA unf JC. Information is only exchanged within the framework of requests for assistance
What is this exchange of information with requests for assistance and needs a reasoned suspicion?
If the JC sees the reason to ask for this
Thus, it means that it is not removable by simple automatic data comparisons, but that the JC itself must in parallel queries at the FA if they have a reason. Did I get that right?
In this respect, you are not only obliged to report a “income increase” – i.e. a tax refund, but the JC can also ask you for a tax return. Steuererklaerung-auch-bei-buergergeld
I’m not a beneficiary. I’m just interested in the answer. What you say is true, of course, but I would like to know if it can also be removed during automatic data matching.