Job zum Millionär werden?
Hey,was ist der beste Job um Millionär zu werden ? ( kein Arzt oder Architekt)
Hey,was ist der beste Job um Millionär zu werden ? ( kein Arzt oder Architekt)
Ich stecke momentan in einer wirklich schwierigen Situation und fühle mich hilflos. In der Vergangenheit hat mein Vater mir finanziell unter die Arme gegriffen, wenn ich in Not war. Jetzt stehe ich erneut vor einer großen Herausforderung und benötige dringend Geld, um zu überleben. Ich frage mich, wie ich meinen Vater höflich und respektvoll um…
Hallo! Ich suche einen Nebenjob, den man von Zuhause aus machen kann. Ich bin 20 Jähriger Junge und würde neben der Schule gerne etwas Geld verdienen. Kennt da jemand etwas? Danke im Voraus 🤗
Hallo ihr Lieben, Bekommt man, wenn man in einen Betrieb ist und eine Probezeit hat, das geld mitte des monats?
Wenn das Bruttoinlandsprodukt pro Kopf in Deutschland 50.000 ist, bedeutet dies dass das dann das Durchschnittseinkommen ist?
Was könnte ich machen um als 12 jährige ein wenig Geld zu verdienen. Ich möchte einfach ein bisschen verdienen damit ich zum Beispiel die monatlichen Kosten für mein Kickbox-training übernehme, weil wir eh nicht in der besten finanziellen Lage sind.
Würde gerne ein bisschen Geld dazu verdienen und brauche einen Ferienjob. Ich bin 17 Jahre alt. Habt ihr Ideen?
This is virtually impossible only by means of earnings. Hardly a person becomes a millionaire of cash through independent or non-self-employed work. Nowadays, a combination of high earning income is needed, where a large part of the monthly/annual income/strained basic assets must be invested.
Even if you were able to invest 10,000 EURO each year, you would need several decades until the first million would be together. Creating 10,000 euros net income per year in the long term requires an enormously high gross income if you want to maintain a medium living standard in parallel. The lucky runners of Youtube and Co are not a benchmark. 99% of the people who take a big risk for a shortcut lose everything.
One should be one of the top 5% of the upper income layer. As a self-employed person, this also only creates one of ten thousand, if at all.
Certain lawyers have their first millions together quickly. Grand Chancellery, corporate law, 80-hour week and you are very fast 120k+ euros per month safe. Other employees (except doctors and few other exceptions) rarely earn so much.
It is also good for all the jobs in which you are either directly involved in the company or in the profit.
Alternatively, it also looks very good in certain crafts. For example, I know some people who have trained as a carpenter, then have made the Master and have specialized in Tiny Houses and Finishing. Not only is everyone paying off a very good salary, but companies are worth a lot.
independent entrepreneur.
As an employee, you will never, out of the CEO or Top Manager/Chairman
Real estate agent when you have charisma and what on the box.
As an employee difficult. Rather than self-employed.
Private you can achieve this, e.g. through good investments
Put all your money on volatile pennies on the stock market. Either you lose everything (very likely) or become a millionaire (very unlikely but possible)
Who works throughout, is theoretically also a millionaire 😉☝️
The average living income in Germany is about EUR 2.05 million. However, this income varies considerably depending on factors such as gender, education and professional position.
Men: approx. 2.4 million euros
Women: approx. 1.7 million euros
Bachelor degree: approx. 2.3 million euros
Master’s degree: approx. 2.6 million euros
Professional position:
Experts: approx. 1.9 million euros
Managers: approx. 3.9 million euros
These differences illustrate the influence of education and professional development on living income.
This is possible with almost any job where you are good and with which you can do yourself.
What are you doing?
All that has to do with cars
Politicians! The best paid job for beginners (i.e. people without qualifications).
It is not so easy:-). The way to the politician who earns money is one of the most difficult careers. Because you have to make people choose you. Until then you have a very long time political honorary office in front of you. If you are not re-elected, your high income also goes to flee.
Doesn’t change the fact that politicians have a cross-release job that does not require any qualifications, as it proves the glorious failure of the traffic lights. The only “qualification” that you should bring, if you want to get it in politics, is to have a bigger mouthpiece like everyone else, and perhaps even vitamin B!
I didn’t say. I have said that every minimum pupil could venture into politics because you don’t have to be able to do anything and the way is easy and you earn 10k right away.
I’m sorry for you, but it can’t all be among the top earners 😉
No. Our educational elite does not go into politics because salary and effort is not in any proportion. The educational elite earns much more in the private sector. The Chancellor earns EUR 250,000 gross at 168 hours/week.
If entry into politics is so easy, you can give up your minimum wage job and become politicians. You value the politicians so low and yet you are not a politician yourself. Then you have to classify yourself more valueless and incapable than a politician. If an uneducated cross-lever goes into politics, we can earn 10,000 euros a month while swinging eggs, why don’t you do that even if you’re so much better?