Job: Editing images for other photographers?


I finished my studies (design with a focus on photography) a few months ago. I briefly worked for a photographer. I took commissioned photos for her and then edited them. I've heard from some photographers (wedding photographers) that they outsource the image editing and have someone else edit them, but in the photographer's style. I really enjoyed editing the images and was able to adapt to the style very well, quickly editing them the way the boss wanted.

I no longer work there. I'm currently self-employed with a small business. My current work isn't enough to fully support myself, so I'd like to earn some extra income and was thinking about editing photos for others. If I could edit one or two weddings a week, that would be enough for me to become fully self-employed.

I just don't know where I can offer these services. Where do other photographers access this service?

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2 years ago

“Where do other photographers use this service?”

I think that’s the wrong question… she should say: at WEM, someone is applying with your skills.

If you don’t get active and contact photographers directly, you’ll have to wait a long time for a corresponding “quest”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Salat1997

Well, I’d look around on relevant forums where photographers are cheating – maybe start at “photo community”…

2 years ago can offer this.

2 years ago

I don’t know exactly how it is, but there are platforms where people then edit submitted pictures and are paid for.

However, I don’t understand why a photographer shouldn’t edit his pictures himself. I’d never give up this, especially since I’ve seen a lot of crap. Most photographers do it themselves.

2 years ago

Calls for marketing/advertising and that can be done anywhere where people who are interested in your service are cheating. Facebook, ebayKleinanzeigen, Insta, Zeitung…. Or you write all photographers in your environment and offer your support.

2 years ago

Shutters, brush clinks.

Advertisements in specialist pages, …, I was called last week and asked if I didn’t want to invest in a billboard in a newly opened shopping center on the outskirts of the city. Unlike you, I have my firm customer base, even would like to do something less.

I’ve been doing my job for a couple of days longer, over the years I’ve been more through mouth propaganda of satisfied customers than coming to my jobs through “(application) advertising.

Good luck!