Job, 2600 netto, mehr Freizeit oder weniger und 3.000 netto?
Bin Anfang 40, keine Kinder, Freundin wohnt einzeln u. arbeitet, eigentumswohnung fast abbezahlt, Auto, Neuwagen, gekauft und abbezahlt.
Also der erste Job ist super, tolles Klima, maximale Freiheit, home office, viel Abwechslung, maximales gehalt wären später in 9 Jahren 3.000 netto ca. Aktuell 2600 netto.
Job 2: viel bürokram, nicht mehr so flexibel, Präsentationen vor 50 Leuten u.a. halten, viel Bürokratie, mehr verpflichtung. Gehalt bis zu 3800 netto, wären bei direktem Einstieg: 2765 Euro. Und nach einem Jahr direkt 3.000 netto.
Was wäre besser? Tendenziell habe ich mit dem ersten mehr Freiheiten und viel Abwechslung, maximale Entspannung. Der zweite ist eben wegen der entwicklungschancen und dem Gehalt attraktiv.
Since I’m working on the first option myself, the 2600 € net and the home office would be much better to work. Money is not everything in life and much depends on what you yourself are at expense or cost. It has cost of living. Flexibility and remote work is worth more than the ~400 € salary.
I work to live and not live to work. Especially as I tend to pursue my independence rather than continue to work in the employment relationship. The latter is quite nice because it offers a certain degree of security. In the long term, however, nothing for me, so the higher/better salary tends to lessen me.
You already have a favorite, then take it.
Personally, I’d probably take two. I like bureaucracy, I don’t have a problem with presentations, and you didn’t call a clear negative feature on the job.
Homeoffice would now be the only point that would speak for me for 1 and wg. Homeoffice would not give up 400-800 € NETTO per month.
But if you like 1 better then take 1.
I would definitely choose the first job. In the long run, I wouldn’t stand with a job I don’t like, even if I deserve. But so much more is it not in relation to the quality of work:)
Thank you. I also tend to. Especially since I had a weird gut feeling during the interview. I have to listen to that. I sometimes think I don’t know how well I’m doing.
Yes😊 a job where you feel comfortable is gold value! And if you had a bad gut feeling with the other one, I can only recommend you to listen to it.
That’s what it looks like:) very much!
Thank you. I think so. I decided against it earlier and regretted it. Especially since satisfaction and the like nobody can weigh money.
My leadership also meant that training courses etc are always liked to be seen and encouraged.
I would choose the first job directly, leisure is very important if you would now limit 400€ more or less so strongly, you have to decide yourself
Yes, it is
Can money weigh this? And sooner I never looked after this form and this is currently the crunch. Also think because the current job offers me so much relaxation that I think it is natural.
At Job 2 there is no good working environment and no home office?
Then I’d take Job 1.
So I can’t assess working conditions, but at the job interview I took a funny feeling and even a blackout on one of the questions I’ve never had. Think it’s a sign. Also in the job there is the option of the home office, but I am still bound to further tasks that would limit my flexibility extremely, such as presentations, trainings of others etc.
Your gut feeling will be right. Take Job 1.
Since I do not want to hold presentations before people, my answer would be clear!
I’ll go if I’m honest, like that. Thick minus point at the place.
Job 1