Jintu Teleobjektiv, gut oder schlecht?
Hallo, ich möchte mir von Amazon das Objektiv (für Nikon) Jintu 420-800mm
kaufen und möchte wissen ob sich das lohnt oder so ein Billigschrott ist.
Hallo, ich möchte mir von Amazon das Objektiv (für Nikon) Jintu 420-800mm
kaufen und möchte wissen ob sich das lohnt oder so ein Billigschrott ist.
Heyy, ich gehe am 18 aufs Taylor swift Konzert in Gelsenkirchen und wollte eigentlich meine Kamera mitnehmen. Jetzt wurde aber die Regelung geschickt & ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich das darf, also ob meine Kamera geht. Meine Kamera ist diese hier: Samsung Galaxy GC-110 (eine Digitalkamera) Und die Regeln sind folgende:
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Wie eben telefonisch besprochen, sende ich Ihnen ein Foto von mir. Passt das so?
What do you expect from a long focal length that just costs 120€? Of course, it’s cheap that you can only use on one tripod and that only focuses manually. Because it is not stabilized, you need from your hand and to maximum zoom at least one closing time of 1/1200, otherwise the picture is shaking you.
Qualitatively not an outrage of sharpness, but also not totally terrible.
The thing is cheap but better than no optics.
But you build a SLR with changeable matte disc or the matte disc for macro/repro to focus cleanly.
Live View in the Searchrlupenmdous also goes, but often the LiveView gries too violently because of Low Light
So I know seat pictures on bird nests, feeding places and bird baths from the Dörr 420-800 version (http://www.doerr-foto.de/de-de/objective/teleobjective/zoom-teleobjectiv-8-3-3-420-800mm-t2-222502) on various cameras
The optics at 500mm is not as good as a 500/8 miraculous bag or the Korean/Chinese 500/8 mirror plate and behind 600mm it becomes more and more cruel. In the case of semi-format/DX, cruel marginal areas are not used the soupist in the area FHD up to 600mm over it only HD. The optics is phony you have to lift contrast in the post process, then the resolution also increases. Then you can also work the color lines away in sharp areas, but the aberations in the unsharp area are not taken away
The optimal range of application of the optics is from about 2.5 to 50 meters, for remote motifs the resolution decreases too far at least if you zoom over about 600mm. Diffraction problems are also visible, at least at the NEX7 and Pentax K70. This is not the case with 12MP sensors.
It is possible to laser a waterhouse aperture and, in the case of tube, this improves the dissolution and reduces the color errors of the optics, but the diffraction problem comes sooner
Anyone who knows the technical realities could handle it. See https://www.digicamclub.de/showthread.php?t=26071
What do you want to photograph?
420 to 800 mm focal length screams for a really stable tripod. The missing autofocus forces you to static motives, the initial visor from 8.3 to 16 is not able to cope with cameras with not so light-sensitive sensors when you have to screw up the ISO due to the aperture. Heat whims in summer or light wind you will feel.
Therefore, never expect miracles, because at APS-C and 800 mm we talk about some 1200 mm focal length and you have to adjust everything manually.