Now a friend has to pay the tax advisor from Taxfix?

Good bye,

A friend filed his tax return through Taxfix and sent his documents. He's been receiving Hartz IV benefits for four years and is now receiving citizen's income. He can't work for health reasons. A tax advisor did his work through the Taxfix app, and nothing came of it. That's logical. The app stated that the tax advisor would receive a portion of his taxes as wages. But nothing came of it, and now he owes the advisor money.

How does something like that work?

Isn't that fraud?

Taxfix is ​​free, isn’t it?

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2 years ago

Even guilt.

He still has to pay him.

2 years ago

Probably because he sent the declarations to the FA and thus agreed to the contract with TaxFix.

Well, that’s the problem if you don’t get the documents and buttons in apps.

I guess he won’t get around paying.

2 years ago

No, it was stupid of your friend.

First of all, to think he’d get something and then commission a tax advisor. Of course, the money wants and the companies are smarter than theirs.

That’s all in the contract that your friend has to pay if nix gets out.

2 years ago

Where is the tax advisor free? That’s very big about how much it costs to make it through the app or through a tax advisor…


2 years ago

It will x-mal on the website and References:

Costs will only be incurred when you submit your tax return via Taxfix.”

It is not necessary to pay until the decision is taken.

If you don’t get back from the tax office, you still have to pay Taxfix.

If he receives only ALG-II/Citizengeld, he does not need to submit a tax declaration because it does not represent a wage earner (as opposed to ALG-I).

2 years ago

No company works for free, is sure everything in the small print. Doesn’t he think he could do it himself without taxfix?

2 years ago
Reply to  corod

The poor are certainly busy and have no time for it;)

2 years ago
Reply to  LizenzfireArtZ

I find, above all, funny that someone who lives on tax money seems to never want to have tax refunds 😀

2 years ago

In the end, you pay the tax advisor (because taxpayers)… sad, but true.

2 years ago

That’ll be even more difficult… But well, he’s sure the money is like most people always say everything to them:D

2 years ago

If you make your tax return with the software itself, this is free (except the software fees)

If you hire a tax adviser to do this, of course what

2 years ago
2 years ago

Whoever hires a tax advisor has to pay for it. This has nothing to do with fraud….

2 years ago

A tax consultant is never free. Why would a banker paye make a tax return? He doesn’t pay taxes.