JetBlue a321neo in London?
Ich habe auf flightradar gerade ein JetBlue a321neo gesehen,in London.Fliegt der dann nach New York?Mit einem a321?
Ich habe auf flightradar gerade ein JetBlue a321neo gesehen,in London.Fliegt der dann nach New York?Mit einem a321?
Ich mache bald einen Inlandsflug in Indonesien um nach Sumatra zu kommen, jedoch habe ich ein ganz unwohles Gefühl im Bauch. Ich hab mal aus Spaß gegoogelt und da kam direkt das Lion Air laut Statistik die drittgefährlichste Airline der Welt ist und auf der schwarzen Liste ist. Wie ist eure Erfahrung gewesen? Teilt ihr…
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Beim letzten Flug hatte ich teilweise EXTREME Schmerzen in der Stirn und anderen teilen vom Gesicht die ich teilweise noch Wochen später spürte. Heute Nacht Fliege ich wieder…hat jemand irgendwelche Tipps wie ich das diesmal nicht bekommen könnte? Und woran liegt das überhaupt ?hatte das die Flüge davor nie
Hello, today I somehow left my wallet at school…because the way is very long and I had time pressure I didn’t drive back right away and got the wallet…the problem: It contained my passport and I’m going to Munich tomorrow to fly to mallorca from there on Thursday…what happens if the passport doesn’t turn up???…
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Gibt es in anderen Ländern auch sowas ändliches wie Langen Info? Also nur für VFR Flieger. Und ist Langen Information Pflicht oder darf man auch ohne Funk fliegen , wenn man nicht in einer Kontrollzone ist?
There are now several variants from A321.
The A321-200 is the first model of the A321 series.
The A321Neo has been equipped with winglets and new engines, reducing consumption and increasing range.
The A321LR(LR=LRange) is based on the A321Neo and can come with additional tanks playfully to a range of 7400Km and thus also hop easily over the Atlantic. The A321LR is used by Jetblue for the Transatlantic routes, but is not to be distinguished from an A321neo externally.
The A321XLR( XLR= ExtraLongRange) comes with further modifications and tanks at 8700KM range, which corresponds approximately to the route from Frankfurt to Johannesburg. This version is the latest one that had its commercial first flight only towards the end of last year, so it is really brand new.
Theoretically, an A321Neo with passengers can fly over the Atlantic Ocean, but places would remain free to save weight. Instead of having 220 passengers for example, only 190 or 180 people are left, the rest of the seats are not sold.
Jetblue is really recommended for transatlantics, by the way, I hope that they will soon come to Germany, they will fly to Amsterdam already. I hope that helped you, and in case of questions, please write me to🫡😏😏
But fly with nem a321 8h?I find it quite uncomfortable 3 hours to sit in a321…because I find in an a330 much more cozy
There is more freedom and personal entertainment system as well as WLAN on the flights, so it can be stopped by
I actually find strange. This is not the LR or XLR, but a very normal 21neo.
I suspect the route I see here from Heathrow to Logan Int. There is no problem because it is still clear.
But I also find unusual, especially from JetBlue, which is actually a lowcost carrier.
Of course it is A321LR. Jetblue has been flying goals in Europe from Boston and New York for years. London, Paris, Amsterdam, and others should follow. In addition, Jeblue also offers an improved product for the long distance with “Mint” (only 160 seats in the A321, on-demand entertainment, Business Class, …)
The type description was A321-271NX. Sensual for an A321 of the neo variant with PW1133G-JM engines and Cabinflex. But no LR.
I know that the flyer can lay this distance back with such a small flyer for 8 hours.
Evtl. Short-term Aicraft change
Yeah, that’s clear. Just wondering that the type designation on Flightradar contradicts what is on the side of the Airline.
Jetblue only uses A321LR transatlantic but also a neo could fly the route to London fully loaded with 180 people
Fact. Meaning
According to Jetblue, it’s LR. Here’s the list:
Hello ,
yes, JetBlue uses the A321neo (LR) on transatlantic routes, among others between London (LHR & LGW) and New York (JFK). The jet has a rich-wide version with additional tanks, allowing it to easily cross the Atlantic.
The advantage? Smaller machines, more frequencies, lower costs – and yet Mint Business Class is on board. So yes, the A321 actually flies long distance!
It’s an A321LR, that’s Long Range. Has additional tanks and thus the route London New York is nonstop feasible
The machine is too weak for long distance. How can you find this airline flying to America?
However, just saw the airline flies with the a321neo several flights that go over 8 hours.
But once in a short time, how do you think the plane is too weak?
From Europe to America takes longer hours of flight (at least 10h). It doesn’t fit what you’re saying. The A321 is designed only for short and medium long distances. If the machine would fly with full tank and without weight of passengers, it might be feasible, but all pilots do not do that because of the environment and technology. Most long-haul aircraft are either a330, a340, a350 or a380.
You might be confused with real flights and Flight Simulator
The distance from London to New York is about 5.590 kilometers. The A321neo has a range of about 6,480 kilometers and from the A321LR even of 7,400 kilometers.
What exactly shouldn’t work?
London to NYC doesn’t need 10 hours.
And there’s the A321 as a long range. So you’re wrong.