Jemand schickt mir die ganze zeit pornografische stickers was tun?

Hallo also mir wird die ganze zeit pornografische stickers sei es in der Klassengruppe oder privat von einer person geschickt zwar hab ich sie schonmal blockiert aber sie schickt dennoch in der klassengruppe links zu pornoseiten und generell solche ekelhaft stickers einmal hat mir die person einfach einen penis von ihn geschickt gehabt und die sagte dann einfach zu mir “schick mal deine flachland brüste” das war so ekelhaft und ich fühlte mich unwohl ich bin 12 und werde nächstes jahr 13 die person von der ich rede ist ein jahr älter als ich bitte ich brauche hilfe das ist so nervig

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1 year ago

Say it to the person and show it at the next pass. Sending pornographic content to midner is punishable.

On ignoring and blocking number, it seems nciht to help…

In addition, you may also criminalize yourself if you have corresponding explicit content and if appropriate spread it further.

1 year ago

Can you decide to give a trust teacher? It’s not okay. The boy who does this must not do this, because this is youth pornography. If someone sees you have something on your phone, you can think I’ll get a penalty if you can’t talk out of it. But since you’re not 14 yet, you’re not yet criminal. But don’t make hopes of it.

1 year ago

Send this link to the person and declare that you will be reimbursed when it happens again:

Inform your parents and, if it happens in the class group, your teachers.

It’s sexual harassment and punishable what he’s depriving. You don’t have to take that. Find help and support in adults!

1 year ago

Blocking is good. Talk best with other students: inside or your teachers or parents. This is harassment and not okay!

1 year ago

Criminal is there nix to make because the Wíchser is not criminal until he is 14. Put him bloss and chic screenshots of his thick pic that he sent you in chats. Make the soab ridiculous before all