Jemand Erfahrung mit Klinikum Freiburg?
kueze knappe Frage, wurde jemand mal Beschnitten oder sonstiges im Klinikum Freiburg? Und was ist eure Erfahrung damit?
werde dort in 2 Wochen beschnitten (Bin 22)
Danke im voraus
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Hallo, Kennt sich jemand mit den Teststreifen zur Messung von Protein im Urin aus? Ich habe zur Messung Teststreifen von Ultimed Tup10 (10 Parameter) genommen (s. Bilder unten). Mein Test der ersten Morgenurin und auch der zweiten Urin drei Stunden später, ergab jeweils die Übereinstimmung mit dem zweiten Feld (15mg/dl). Siehe Bild unten. Liege ich…
Can only say what my friend’s doctor told us about his circumcision:
Cutting is one of the oldest operations, as easy as cutting bread. Typical beginner surgery, since will always take the youngest doctor, doctor in the internship or student to experience. But he’s always up to me when he’s in charge, so don’t worry.
I was allowed to attend my friend’s surgery because he was quite anxious and the urologist said I was supposed to be sitting next door, then he’s quieter.
The surgery is really easy, cut, done. He was bleeding, but he wasn’t in pain.
Important: necessarily say as low-tight as possible frenulum path. The doctor has meant that in young adults she always tries to remove as little as possible because of feelings, but then it did. Since then, he can spend much longer on sex, has top hygiene.
You mean to me The preskin is completely trimmed is this low tight frnulum?
Completely trimmed, sounds as if ALL was removed. I think, but I don’t have that much idea either. I told the doctor to remove as much as possible. The result is really great.
why as low and tight as possible would high and tight not be better?
True, the urologist of my friend also meant that she usually makes a high op in young men because then more feeling remains.
I find low-tight more pretty. Looks really mega now, but honestly, he also lost a massive feeling.
high and tight
Right, two months is not a long time. I needed 16 times to get used to sex, doggy and blowjob.
What style are you circumcised?
Your friend knows the difference. I was cut as a toddler and I don’t know the difference. But I never had problems and still feel enough
Jaa it will remove the complete precut
They’ve lost my rehearsal. Thanks for 12 weeks waiting instead of 6. Could have been a bad thing.
What do you mean?
I’m talking about a blood sample three years ago. It was said at the time that they might have that, that would not be so bad then that could be treated, but that would be bad for ever or that. In any case, they have lost my sample and just before the results should come the message came: Yes, unfortunately, we must tell them that their sample was lost.
Ne circumcision is special for ne hospital nix. I think they’ll do good and sensible work there. So don’t worry and go there relaxed.
Patches in a liquor underpressure syndrome can be great there.