Jedes Wochenende Alkohol oder Cannabis schlimmer?

Hallo zsm, ich habe mich gerade gefragt was schlimmer ist. Bei mir in Österreich sagen alle das Alkohol nicht schlimm ist weil fast jeder der über 13 ist trinkt. Ich will keines davon nehmen aber ist Cannabis nicht viel harmloser und warum wird es noch immer von vielen Menschen so gehasst?

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1 year ago

The following death numbers of both substances speak a clear language.

Alcohol has an average of 74,000 consecutive deaths per year.
Cannabis does not know any statistically recorded follow-up deaths, but until now (worldwide!) no single fatal overdose is known by cannabis.

1 year ago
Reply to  aXXLJ

For this purpose, people will keep stockdumming and schizophrenic

1 year ago
Reply to  Bauschaum143

Yes, of course. So stupid and schizophrenic like Barack Obama, Lady Gaga, Madonna, Santana, Jack Nicholson and Snoop Dogg…

1 year ago

You can find out about Barack Obama’s career. Google input “Obama Cannabis Biography”. I think there will also be biographical information on the other persons mentioned about when they started cannabis use.
There are 4 million cannabis users.
If cannabis in young people would inevitably lead to stupidity and schizophrenia, our health system would have been underlying for years by overstressing.

You should check your prejudices once.

1 year ago

Did they smoke several times a week in their youth? The FS obviously refers to minors as he himself is 13/14

1 year ago

Shouldn’t both be harmless. Alcohol is more harmful every week.

1 year ago

Both really not good, but think in the long run grass would be the “healer” if it was pure.

Grass is still hated by many as it is shown as devil stuff

1 year ago

I would say that cannabis is more harmless in every way.

Alcohol is a cell poison and carcinogenic, damages liver, brain and many other organs, making aggressive.

The most harmful thing about weed is smoking when you consume it as smoked goods, but it is also different (evaporating, as cookies, etc.).