Jedes Mal wenn ich meinen Amphetamin Konsum übertreibe (ca 5,g und länger als 3-4 Tage) dann fühlt es sich so an als ob ich mit ner Amph Schicht überzogen bin?

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Such a disturbance of the neurotransmitter balance and lack of sleep can cause all kinds of misperceptions. I think that’s what you’re writing.

As far as your girlfriend and cat are concerned, I think that they passively get something from the active ingredient. They get more of your mood that changes from line to line and day by day and react accordingly, if perhaps not conscious.

General information on the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with the consumption of amphetamine can be found here:

And please also think about drug checking:

1 year ago

No, it’s more the sweat. Do you even shower when you are awake for 3-4 days?

1 year ago
Reply to  JosefWILLinfos

This is exemplary, and quite extraordinary. Many people I know through the 3 or 4 days do not think about it. Some of it is even quite unpleasant, precisely because it is such a sensitive skin feeling.

But if you smell every day (and I’ll take it off) it’s clear to you, especially since 5gs are not covered with an amphe layer.

However, it is not to exclude that your cat reacts to animals being sensitive. Even though I haven’t experienced the cats at 15g, it’s getting high or not sweating 8 people.

1 year ago

If it happens repeatedly that you are exaggerating – while I personally do your information (5 g, 3-4days) as Examination wert – do you have a pretty drug problem, do something wrong in dealing with the substance and girlfriend like cat should You strongly advise to contact the next drug consultation.

1 year ago
Reply to  JosefWILLinfos

I was running aftern

you’ll notice.