"Everyone who is worth their salt should fight for a better Germany instead of emigrating if they feel uncomfortable!" – What do you think about this statement?

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5 months ago

For example, how do you fight as a scientific assistant at the university to stay up to retirement? If the career forces you to work in Berlin, how do you fight to find a affordable apartment? If you are rented and the tenant no longer pays, how do you fight for the fact that there is no more cost to the courts and courts than the net incomes of many years? This idiot should answer these questions first.

5 months ago

My opinion: “Everyone who thinks what should live should live as he wants without being influenced by people with stupid sayings.”

5 months ago

No reason to fight.

Our land is overall horny. That’s what I see.

5 months ago
Reply to  ichweisnetwas

in 50 years:

  • Unemployment: up from below 2% to 5.7%
  • Income Inequality: Increased
  • Housing costs: increased from 15-20% to 30-40% of income
  • Homelessness: grown from about 75,000 to 263,000 people
  • Knife attacks: increased from estimated 2,500 to 7,937 cases per year
  • Traditional families: 43.4% down
  • Psychological disorders: today affect 27.8% of adults
  • Government debt: inflation-adjusted 18 times higher

The quality of life has fallen for many people, social and economic problems have increased. Today’s situation is characterized by greater uncertainty, greater crime in certain areas and growing social challenges.

5 months ago
Reply to  davesiemens

the numbers are moving out poorly? Grade the knife attacks weis no one has been detected.

5 months ago

Again only guesses and speculations

5 months ago

Assuming that the 5–10 % of the violent crimes of Knife attacks have taken place, I have established it on the basis of the data collected on violent crimes in general. However, one can assume that these numbers are still higher than the reality at that time, since knife attacks now probably have a higher share of the total crimes.

5 months ago

I don’t think much of this statement.

“Germany” is an artificial political construct into which most of us are born only by chance.

Why should we have some special loyalty to it?

One could say, of course, that you enjoyed the benefits of your life… infrastructure, internal and external security, education and so on. That’s why you have to give something back. That’s true – but that’s not what a child chose. Can you invite someone to dinner and then suddenly ask for a payment?

So if someone wants to emigrate from a country because he or she sees better opportunities or less risks elsewhere, I have no moral problems with that. You can do that. (I just think that many people go a bit naively to the thing, and then find that it is not that perfect elsewhere)

On the other hand, I find it admirable and morally correct when someone tries to improve the world and solve problems. Who has the power for this – the better! But it comes to the individual and what a certain person, from his abilities and resources, can afford at all. It is not a duty that can be called upon by anyone who is born randomly in this country. (And even immigrants have often not really chosen the country, but have been taken by the family or brought to it by external circumstances)

5 months ago


There are situations and circumstances that we unfortunately cannot change.

If I were young and free, I would leave Germany.

I think it will be even worse in the future, as Chancellor Scholz won’t change great what.

Already at the one-time repatriation by the Chancellor, I had hope that it will continue.

It wasn’t like that.

We still have nearly 600 victims in Germany

The couple of years I still have, I still can, I’m just glad I live in a small town.

But can happen everywhere what🤔

5 months ago

Everyone should do what he likes, and if he’s got to emigrate, that’s it.

5 months ago

Ah. I don’t think of that, for the following reason:

What is a “better” Germany is a matter of opinion.

5 months ago

This fits in, but in some cases the fight is already lost..

5 months ago

In my opinion, a right-conservative thought that cannot be implemented in a globalised world. We also advertise the skilled workers from abroad. In return, foreign countries may also recruit our people.

5 months ago

What do you mean “…to fight for a better D…” or What should you fight? So, what means? With the ballot, or with gun??

Against who and against what??? What is a “better Germany”? If everyone here has a job, or a affordable apartment?? How do you “fight” anything like that, except with the ballot? Do you want to shoot all the “hoo-fire companies”? What if your neighbors all say they like it here as it is? Where is a universal scale?

Should 80 million be directed to you or me??

I think there would be suitcases packing for all sides the better solution… 😉

5 months ago
Reply to  Marionetto

A better Germany, is a country where I can feel safe, be it in the park, on the train, in the outdoor swimming pool.

Where I can walk through the streets as a woman without fear

5 months ago
Reply to  Arabella940

Yeah, but that wasn’t the problem here. The question must ultimately be no more than what it is possible to fight or achieve such a state which is too much hoped for by you?

And I’m afraid there’s no such thing in the end and there was no time.

5 months ago

Thank you.

5 months ago

Okay, then a nice day.

5 months ago

I don’t, either, I have to work right now…

Every Member has an office or a possibility to be addressed. So contact a member of your choice for your ideas! 😉

5 months ago

We have to start with people, many only know it, that has been their everyday life.

Courses in schools, contacts with problems, alternatives create, mandatory sports offers, I have many ideas, I have nothing to say

5 months ago

But that doesn’t change violent people, even then shameful murder and death. It was never different, it was just a little less everywhere…but not much less. At least I know about my hometown of Berlin.

5 months ago

No, we can’t change much, maybe choose the right party

5 months ago

My opinion!

5 months ago

I don’t know better Germany.

5 months ago
Reply to  Velbert2

Unemployment has more than doubled over the last 50 years.
Homelessness quadruples.
In 2023 there were 1000 knife attacks more than in the previous year.
Income inequality is steadily increasing.
Public debt rose by 40 times in 50 years (18 times inflation-adjusted).
Despite rising populations, the number of traditional families has fallen by 40%.
Best Germany ever.

5 months ago
Reply to  davesiemens

You’re right, I’m scared and if I were younger, I’d leave Germany